Saturday, May 30, 2015

Gone Fishin'

We spent some time on the lake today. The kids got to drive the boat and do their best to reel in the big fish.  Let's just say the driving went a lot better than the fish catching....

He was quite the boat long as we only wanted to turn right...

I never would have imagined I'd see a day where Amelia would hold crickets...

This is work, not play...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Nice Run

Amelia is on a nice run of days right now. She celebrated her last day of Kindergarten yesterday.  Today, she got to be on television for a segment on swimming safety. Tomorrow, we head off to a lake to have a little outdoor fun. Sunday, she goes to Grandma and Grandpa's without our sweet-tooth/bedtime supervision.  I know it isn't always peaches and cream when you are 6 years-old, but I feel pretty safe in saying she is winning this week.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Giving Heart

Everyone is capable of giving something, but not everyone does. It is certainly even a smaller lot who hand over their life savings. When Meggan decided she wanted to get a bike so she could go on our nightly rides with the rest of us,  Everett wanted to help. He went to his room, took out all his money, and offered to buy it for her .... 

Now, if only I could have found a bike for 75 cents....

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Measure Pt. 2

I talked about a face full of popsicle being a sign you had a good day.  I'm pretty sure another good sign is when you've played so hard that, despite not having any beers, you pass out in the middle of a crowded restaurant ....

Saturday, May 23, 2015


If you're wondering if you're having a good day, a good measure is to check to see if you're wearing your swim suit, goggles, and a face full of popsicle.  If so, you are indeed having a very good day.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Good Morning

Good morning to you,
Good morning to you.
We're all in our places,
With sunshine-y faces.
Oh, this is the way,
We start our day.
Hello, Hello,
How are you?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
I hope that you are too.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I caught Amelia using my camera to do her best paparazzi impersonation....

Here is the picture she ended up taking.....

I thought she did a pretty good job capturing the essence of her subject...and not chopping his head off in the photo. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Off to the Races

Amelia and I went on our first bike ride around the neighborhood (I just got a bike and she normally only rides near the house).  I was a little worried she wouldn't be able to keep up .... she was a little worried I couldn't keep up...

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Little Things

A few weeks ago, I went through a little medical issue that gave me some cause for concern. I didn't share it with many people as I didn't want to worry anyone until I found out more information. Thankfully, everything ended up okay and all I got from it were medical bills and a renewed appreciation for the little things in snuggling on the couch with your little girl and watching her sleep when she passes out on you...

Sunday, May 17, 2015


This is what happens when you let your son play with his sister's princess castle .... dinosaurs and lions take over the East wing while the bed becomes a garage for hot wheels...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Red Light

The kids' school gives out greens, yellows, and reds for their behavior twice per day. They get a morning grade and an afternoon grade. In Amelia's five years, she got roughly a million greens, 1 yellow, and 0 reds. In the last two days, Everett has gotten 0 greens, 1 yellow, and 3 reds.  We haven't contacted military schools yet, but he's on probation.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Change of Plans

When you get to your favorite fountain only to find out it is empty, all you can do is get some cookies, climb inside it, and enjoy it in your own way...

Monday, May 11, 2015


When you're dealing with Everett, you're dealing with a man that is serious about his style...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Smelling the Flowers

I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday evening than going on a bike ride with Amelia and taking a little time to stop and teach her the virtues of honeysuckle...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pulling Teeth

Amelia has gotten multiple fillings, a crown (despite brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using prescription fluoride), and is now cutting another molar. Yet, she still hasn't come that close to losing her first tooth. She has one that is a little wiggly, but that's about it. At this rate, she'll have 50 teeth before her first visit from the tooth fairy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


This look is how you know getting your face painted is serious business and is not to be taken lightly...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Big Helper

If anyone needs any help watering plants, washing cars, or pressure washing their home, I have just the helper for you...he even comes with his own bicycle helmet for protection...

Sunday, May 3, 2015


This weekend was the kind of Spring weekend you want to last another 5 days.  We were fortunate enough to go swimming, go to a strawberry farm, have a neighborhood playground party, go to church, play in the sprinklers with some friends, make homemade strawberry jam, and ride our bikes as a family.  Unfortunately, we were too busy actually enjoying the weekend to get any pictures of it aside from this one from our Sunday lunch.....

Saturday, May 2, 2015

And To The Publix...

Continuing a patriotic tradition...and love of Publix...

Everett at 3 years 3 months....

Amelia at 3 years 4 months...

Friday, May 1, 2015


Amelia's class ended a study unit on Mexico today by having a celebration with food, music, and dancing.  I'm pretty sure that means she didn't eat today, but she seemed to have a great time with the rest...