Monday, July 31, 2017

Secret Shoppers

You don't turn your back on these two when you take them shopping.... who doesn't need 240 Rice Krispies treats?

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Make Room

I know you shouldn't let your kids come down to your bed at night.  It doesn't reinforce positive sleep habits, teach them they are safe in their beds, or create any boundaries for you and your wife.  That said, I decided to make an exception just this one (thousandth) time.  What can I say, I like waking up to these little angels and I know I won't have many more opportunities...

On a related note, this is probably the 5th time in her life that we woke up before Amelia...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Go Time

Since the kids and I were booted from the house tonight (Meggan was hosting her church group), we decided have a little fun.  When you throw these two together in the middle of pizza, bowling, skee ball, and air will be had by all....except the loser, they're definitely going to cry...

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Goodbye, Dear Friend

For some strange reason, they classify dogs as animals.  They're more like angels. Today, Heaven got a new one. To say Sophie was important to this family is like saying Moses was important to the Bible.  She's been around our entire marriage.  She made the move to Charlotte with us. She welcomed home both our children.  She's been a part of nearly every memory Meggan and I have together.   She's earned a dozen nicknames, helped create a hundred inside jokes, and even written a few blog posts.  From the first night she came home, she's worked security detail by day, helped keep the bed warm at night, and never left the side of anyone who wasn't feeling well.  Tonight, the house feels quiet without the click-clack of her little paws on the hardwoods and the world feels empty without her presence. I hope she's chased every rabbit, barked at every duck, and cuddled up on my mom's lap when she got to Heaven today.  She's more than the best pet I've ever had...she truly was on of this man's best friends.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Book Trance

This is the look of a boy whose mind and body have been completely taken over by the story....

Monday, July 17, 2017

Two Different Experiences

This picture, while of terrible quality because it was dark, perfectly outlines the difference between Everett and Amelia.  They are both playing the same game in the same place at the same time. Yet, they are having two very different experiences.  Amelia is focused on the task at hand.  She is trying to sort out the good guys from the bad guys and the best way to win. Everett, however, chose another route.... He opted for losing his mind and shooting everything that moved Rambo-style...

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Off Week

What do you do when you have the week off with your mom and you've already done all you can think of to entertain yourself? Apparently, you sneak into the bathroom and paint your face with your mom's expensive lipstick....

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tough Girl

Unfortunately, Sophie's trip to the emergency vet didn't come with good news.  We thought perhaps she had caught a cough from Teddy.  However, her cough was actually being caused by early stage heart failure.  After spending the night in an oxygen chamber, she was given prescriptions for 3 medicines she'll have to take twice a day for the rest of her life.  They essentially gave us a timetable of 5 minutes to 5 years.  It all depends on how she reacts to the medicine they referred to as "a heart transplant in a bottle".  It wasn't the news we wanted, but it's the news we got.  So, we have no choice but to take that news and enjoy every second with her for the next 5 years.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


You ever try to work from your laptop in the lobby of the emergency vet because your job won't let up and your 11 year-old dog can't breathe likely due to catching an illness from your puppy you can't stand on the same day your son got in a second fight at school and your daughter gave you enough attitude to melt the paint off the walls because you she didn't want to take a bath?  Those days make you question a few life choices.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Love Hate

Despite the fact that he bites me, tears up all my things, eats my socks, and generally terrorizes me.... I think Teddy might actually love me....

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Last Step?

Meggan always said she wanted to turn our steps from carpet to hardwoods...tonight, Teddy decided to help her....

Not Today, Rain

No need to stop grilling for the storm. A little rain never hurt anyone....the lightning and thunder may have sent me scrambling into the house a few times, though...

Monday, July 3, 2017

Top of the Mountain

We have returned home from a quick trip to Stone Mountain to see family and relive my youth.  I hadn't been back in the better part of two decades, but it was just as much fun as I remembered...

Ev on his first sky lift ride...

Enjoying a little hiking with my big brother...

Enjoying the view from the top...

Amelia making a new friend at the game ranch...