Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010


It's always good when family comes...but, it's always great when they leave. This is a commonly held axiom. However, for me, it always really, really sucks when they leave...this goes for my family as well as Meg's. I miss them all year round, but not much compares to the remainder of the day after they are gone. I always think of all the great things we can do the next time they come and then realize it will be a while before that happens. The obvious answer is to move closer to them. Well, like I have posted on here before, that is easier said than done. There are many obstacles in the way that make that improbable, if not impossible. So, unless I win the lottery or they all decide to move here, I'll just have to suck it up and focus on enjoying the time I have with them...and use Mia for as much leverage as I can to get them to visit.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Through thick and thin

Despite the enormous dump the Gators took on the field today, Amelia and I remain steadfast in our support....

Okay, occasionally she get embarrassed and supports in disguise...

As a side note, we now know what Mia will look like should she ever find herself strung out and homeless...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Looking forward to it

We are very excited about Amelia's first real Thanksgiving tomorrow. Of course, she was alive last year, but this is the first time she'll really be able to partake in all of the eating. Naturally, since I am excited about it, she will very likely not want to eat anything. Either way, I know it will be a wonderful time of eating, hanging with family, and being thankful for all we have been blessed with...then, after all that mushy crap, Meggan and I are going to plan our assault on the Black Friday sales. Look out crowds of insanely crazed soccer moms...we're coming to town.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Too much?

We generally try to monitor Mia's time in front of the television. I believe, technically, she isn't supposed to be watching ANY TV. However, while I really don't want her to develop any attention disorders because of it, at times it is the only life preserver we have when we are drowning as parents. There is no better distraction when Meggan is working and I am trying to cook while being outnumbered 2 to 1 by Sophie and Mia. I would say, in general, she doesn't watch more than 1 complete episode of Sesame Street on any given day. That said, I am really, really starting to worry that she has become an addict. It was bad enough when she started saying "Big Bird" every time she saw a TV. If that was bad, last night was rock bottom. She is suffering from a very bad cough. So, sleeping was quite an adventure. She got stuck in a vicious cycle of coughing, crying, waking up, falling asleep, coughing, crying..... it finally got to the point where the "falling back to sleep" portion was not happening. Meggan and I were in her room giving her honey, water, and anything else we could think of to stop a cough. And, just as Mia is finally falling in and out of sleep, she wakes up and starts saying "Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo". So, somehow in the middle of the night, my little munchkin is coughing her head off in a semi-conscious state of wake and all she can think about is going downstairs to watch Sesame Street. This came on the heels of her literally begging me to listen to an Elmo CD in the car on the way to school "Elmo...Elmo...peas peas peas peas (AKA please please please please)". So, I'm no expert, but I am thinking when the first thing your daughter says in the morning and the last thing she says at night has to do with Sesame have a problem.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Reality Check

I had a startling reality check tonight while watching the American Music Awards. First, there was the fact that I knew I must be getting old because I felt like the majority of the acts were about as good as some of the SingStar performances I have seen performed in this very living room. (I know this means I am getting old because pop music has always been this way, you just don't notice it until you are old). Secondly, and much more damning evidence of my age, is that the winner of Artist of the Year, Justin Bieber, is actually closer in age to Amelia than he is to me. This margin may only be a matter of days, but it might as well be years. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go search for gray hair.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I try to have a pretty strong handle on the best way to have a nice, relaxing Saturday. However, today, Mia showed me when it comes to taking it easy, she rules the house.

Lamb? Check. Favorite Book? Check. Pajamas with feet in them? Check.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Black Friday

Bad News - I just spent countless time, have now gone blind and developed carpal tunnel syndrome from flipping through all the ads on a Black Friday site.

Good News - If I'm willing to wait in line for hours at 4am, I think I've found a way to save $7 on Amelia's Christmas

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Mia: Sophie, do you have any idea why there are 4 crayon wrappers chewed up on the floor with no crayons in sight?

Sophie: Honestly, Baby, I really have no idea.

Mia: Sooo, what you are telling me is the crayons were fine when I left this morning, you were home all day by yourself, and now the crayons have been devoured ...all without you knowing anything?

Sophie: Pretty spooky, huh? I guess I slept through the robbery.

Mia: Oh, so NOW, it was a robbery?!? Well, good Lord, maybe we should call the police?

Sophie: I really don't think we need to alert any authorities. I'll keep a better eye out tomorrow.

Mia: No, you know. I think we probably should call the cops. I mean, if YOU didn't do anything, I don't see a problem. Unless of course you are lying...then, you'll probably get the electric chair.

Sophie: The electric chair?!? Really? Uhh, that sounds a little harsh for eating a few crayons.

Mia: Oh, it's not for that. It's just a state law regarding lying to babies. There's a zero tolerance electric chair mandate. But, like we covered, you don't have aaannnyything to worry about, right?

Sophie: No. But, just out of curiosity, what if I wasn't lying? What if I just forgot? Or maybe I was sleep-eating or somebody slipped me something that made me go crazy?

Mia: Hmmm, man, I really don't know. I think the rule is pretty die.

Sophie: Even if you are a cute puppy?

Mia: Not sure, but let's not get off topic. We aren't talking about a cute puppy, we are talking about you...and you're like one evolutionary step away from a Gremlin. So, they won't think twice about flipping the switch.

Sophie: Okay, okay. I ate your crayons. I just get so jealous of all the attention you give them. Plus, if I'm being honest, the multi-colored poo cracks me up. So, there you have it. The truth. Put that in your electric chair!

Mia: Well, I'm not sure how to put this, but we now have you saying you didn't eat them AND that you did eat them. So, yes, technically you told the truth...but, that means the other time you lied. Sooo, either way, I'm going to have to turn you in.

Sophie: Baby, I want to drop an F-bomb on you so badly right now...

Mia: I wouldn't do that if I were you. Unfortunately, they are even harder on that than the lying.

Sophie: REALLY?!? You lie to and curse at me all the time....what protection does a dog have??

Mia: Nothing at all... Cruel world ain't it,Jackass?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Coat of Many Colors

Now that Meggan has purchased this stunning piece of fashion magic, Mia will not only stay warm, but we will never be able to lose her as it is likely bright enough to glow in the dark.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday best

We finally got back to church yesterday after a far too long absence. Mia thoroughly enjoyed dancing to all the music. However, she clearly did not understand why we were listening to a sermon. She just kept saying "more" "more" hoping to get the band going again. Eventually, I had to take her outside to walk around so that others could actually enjoy the sermon without hearing Mia's commentary and repeated introductions of her family "dada"..."momma"..."mimi". I was only able to get two pictures from the day .... the first one is blurry, but still gives a good idea of how pretty she was in her church dress...and in the second, I happen to take a picture at the exact second she face planted because she was rushing the camera in tights.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Not taught that way

Dear Daycare,
I wanted to apologize for Mia's actions today. I have to admit I am a little surprised at her. If you had told me she hit a kid, broke a toy, or colored a Picasso on the wall, I'd easily buy it. However, I assure you as a father, I have not taught her this type of behavior. I will check with her mother, but I am fairly certain she also does not endorse PUTTING BOTH HANDS DOWN YOUR PANTS AND ATTEMPTING TO HAND POO TO YOUR TEACHERS. We had a similar incident at home when we had a little diaper leakage. That said, in retrospect, that handful-o-poo seemed accidental. While she is slightly young to punish for such an incident. I promise we will do our best to avoid any more doodoo pie situations. On the bright side, at least she was trying to not enough silver in that lining? Fair enough. Sorry again.


Mia's Dad

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Second Place

Meggan and I have done a pretty good job at learning to be second place in Mia's life. First, while Meggan may not want to admit it, on any given day either of us can fall into second behind the other. Then, naturally, we have both drifted to a very distant second behind Elmo, Big Bird, and the rest of the Sesame Street gang (yes, I am counting them as one unit). Now, however, we have reached new lows. Earlier this week, Meggan arrived at daycare expecting Mia to greet her with all the normal jubilation of a kid at Christmas. This, my friends, was not to occur. I'll keep it polite on here and just say that it was indifference at best. So, yes, we now rank below daycare...ouch. I know this is a great sign of growth and maturity on her part. For us, though, I only see two options... it is either time crank up the fun at home or replace Mia with a new baby.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Man at Work...again

I have now been at work 40 of the last 60 hours of my life (with no end in sight tonight) ... throw in 14 hours for sleeping over those two nights and I have essentially either solely worked, slept, or got dressed for work since Sunday. Additionally, I have seen Mia only to help get her ready for school in the mornings during that time. Booooooo. However, I'm thankful for my job and I'm sure many, many people have it much worse. That said....there will not be any blog post tonight.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Turkey Day

Now that Halloween has come and passed, I think somebody is starting to look forward to Thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daylight Savings Pt. 2

Here is the breakdown of our day...largely thanks to daylight savings

Here is Amelia heading out and about a few hours after waking up at 4am (formerly 5am)...

Here is Amelia enjoying a delicious breakfast at 8am ...

Here is the aftermath of daylight savings, also known as a schedule-wrecker around 9:30am ...

Daylight Savings

Why am I 99% sure Mia didn't get the memo about Daylight Savings? Which means, while the rest of the non-child having world will get an extra hour of sleep tomorrow...I'll be getting up at 5am instead of 6am?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A look into the future

I have a sneaking suspicion that this look Mia shot me while enjoying a cookie in the mall will be shot in my direction many, many times during her teen years. To me, it says "Duuuh, Dad, don't you know anything?!?"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Right idea....sort of

Well, Mia still has quite a long way to go in terms of learning how to use the potty. That said, she clearly has learned at least one very important detail needed for all proper bathroom situations...

A good magazine to read...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Information is Inspiration

Today, Meggan attended an information session at a private school in town. Now, before anyone mocks us, we absolutely know how ridiculously early it is to think about school. However, this information session was very convenient, so we thought there was no harm in stopping by and seeing what Mia was up against. At the end of the day, I don't think there were too many surprises. There was talk of extensive testing, age limits, and checks I really have no appetite for writing. There's a part of me that wants to start reading more with Amelia, practice our shapes before dinner, and make sure she fully understands that all crayons are not called "Lellows". That said, there is a much, much larger part of me that just wants to tickle her feet, color outside the lines with her, and do any other fun thing we want. I know time flies, but for now, she's 20 months old and I'm going to help her stay that way.

Monday, November 1, 2010