Monday, April 29, 2019

Leg Warmer

I hope the fur on Olive's leg grows back soon.  It looks like a skeleton wearing 80's leg warmers...of course, Olive prefers to think of it as her Clydesdale leg...

Friday, April 26, 2019


Amelia had to give a presentation today about her portfolio she's running for Investment Club.  She used stock charts, PE ratios, and news sources like Yahoo finance to determine what to buy and sell.  In other words, as a fourth grader, she already has more stock market knowledge than 75% of adults...

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

What About Me?

Everett wrote a book about weather for his school project.  It was filled with all sorts of facts and drawings about different types of precipitation, seasons, etc.  However, more interestingly, it had this in it....

....while that makes my heart smile, I'd like to know how I got left out of the dedication.  If playing in the snow with him is the measure he's using, I should have been in there at least twice!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Home Care

Olive had surgery Friday to "make sure she didn't have puppies".  While she was under, we found out she had to have teeth pulled as well since they weren't coming out on their own.  I think it's safe to say it wasn't how she'd have picked to spend her first Easter weekend.  That said, if you have to go under the knife, it's nice knowing you have the most loving nurse waiting for you at home. 

Yes, Olive is wearing a baby onesie to keep her from licking her wounds....

Bedside manner at its finest....

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Old Times

Amelia's grade celebrated the colonial period in history today.  She learned things like how they made butter, what they used to smell good (oranges and cinnamon), and how they made art....and I learned that Amelia would be just as beautiful back in the old days as she is now...

Monday, April 15, 2019


I had the privilege of driving these lovely ladies to the pet store today.  One of them, and I'm not going to say which one, licked everyone she met...

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Fake News

At one point today, Amelia said the following "See Everett, I've been telling you.  Everything might be fake. They might not be our parents.  They might not even be married!"  So, there you have it.  We've been busted. This Truman Show experiment is over.  Amelia cracked the code. Sorry for tricking you all this past decade. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Quick Smile

It took Amelia roughly 7 years to grow back her two front teeth.  Okay, maybe it was more like 1 year that felt like 7 years.  That said, within a few months, Everett has lost both top teeth and grown them back in...., I guess the only question is do her teeth grow in abnormally slow or does Everett's body heal like a vampire?

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


There's nothing better than spending time with my biker gang. This weekend, you may have seen us riding through the business park (some of us in our pajamas) on our way to get ice cream AND hot chocolate.  It's not exactly whiskey and cigarettes, but a vice is a vice.  

Sunday, April 7, 2019


Apparently, when you say "just give her a little puppy trim", that means "give her the Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber"...

Saturday, April 6, 2019

All Day

Soccer game. Birthday party. Play date. Sleepover. Parenting Saturdays are the only thing less relaxing than the work week.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Safe Travels

Amelia is going on an out of town field trip tomorrow.  It's things like this that make it hard for me to parent.  I really want my kids to have fun and see the joy and excitement in everything.  However, I know I'll be worried about her until she gets back off the bus safe and sound.  Of course, I guess I could offer to chaperone a bus full of 4th graders .... naaaahhhhh, I'm sure she'll be fine.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


When I try to explain to Olive that I'm on my lunch break and we have to go back into the house instead of play outside all day, her look goes from this.... this...