Monday, September 30, 2019

Party Animals

I had the pleasure of partying with these two yesterday.  Even after 3 hours of jumping on trampolines, climbing ropes, and winning a total of 10 stuffed animals from the crane game, they weren't ready to quit... This morning, when he woke up with a sore back and legs, I'm guessing Ev wished we left when I wanted to.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Still Looking

Everett may have outgrown his "Woody" cowboy hat, but apparently his fascination for Christmas villages is still going strong.

Ev at 2.5 years old....

Ev at 7.5 years old....

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Amelia is on a two night sleepaway field trip for school.  She was a bit nervous, but excited for the trip.  I'd like to let you know how it's going....but, we are not allowed any contact while she's gone.  So, aside from this picture showing her about to do a ropes course (pink shorts), I have no idea how it's going...

....I'll just assume no news is good news. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Flash Forward

Every once in a while, you see a picture of your kids and it gives you a glimpse into the future.  I'm pretty sure if you replace the Fruit Loops with granola, the juice with coffee, and the book with papers from the office, you could take this exact picture of Amelia in 20 years.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Night Owl

As you could probably guess, we aren't exactly late night party animals in this house.  That said, in the last 3 nights, I haven't been to bed before midnight.  Meggan and I went on a date to a concert Thursday night.  Then, I spent Friday and Saturday in the land of all things good and Holy....the University of Florida.  I was able to get together with several friends from college, my sister, my brother, and two of my nephews.  While I missed everyone (and every pup) back here at home, it was a great few days of unplugging, spending time with loved ones, and certainly not least importantly, watching my Gators take care of business...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Toss and Turn

Despite all guarantees I made, ultimatums I laid down, and agreements we had, Olive ended up sleeping in our bed.  She didn't make it in on her first night like Sophie did, but she wasn't far behind.  I was certain I was going to kick her out if she tried, but I have no idea how I was supposed to say when she snuggles under the covers....

Or on a pillow....

 Or on Meggan's head....

Sunday, September 15, 2019

#1 Fan

Friday would have been my mom's 76th birthday.  It's been almost 3 years since she passed away and I'm not sure a day goes by that I don't think of her.  In fact, I think of her every time I create a post on this blog.  It was started as a way for our family to be able to keep up with Amelia's (and subsequently Everett's) life.  Through the years, numerous friends and family members have positively commented about various posts.  However, nobody loved it more than my mom.  She would talk to me about it every day.  Any time I'd skip a night, she'd let me hear about it.  Any time I posted a video of the kids, she'd watch it over and over.  I would go as far to say if it wasn't for her, I'd have stopped about 2,500 posts ago.  As I've looked back on it over the years, I'm so glad I've kept it up (with some sporadic times)...because now it's one of the only ways I can go back to see memories of her....

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Working from home is so much easier with the help of my trusted assistant.  I don't know what I'd do without know, other than see my screen, not have to delete what she types, and actually accomplish something....

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Game Time

I got to take Everett to his first NFL football game today.  He thought it was awesome....for about a half.  Then, the sun started to melt us and our team lost. But, hey, it was great while it lasted...

Friday, September 6, 2019


Did you know that grapes and raisins are on the list of things that are toxic to dogs?  Meggan knew.  The kids were told. I vaguely recalled hearing it once.  You know who didn't know?  Olive. She had no idea. She found out the hard way...and I found out directions to a new emergency vet...

Luckily, after getting her stomach emptied like an alcohol poisoned fraternity pledge, all is well and we're home for some rest. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

And It Begins

Today was our first day of homework for this school year.  As expected, it led to a few discussions on how hard school is, how unfair it is to have so little TV time, and how boring math is.  Tomorrow, we will layer in soccer practices.  In a few weeks, Amelia will try out for the school play.  Sprinkle in some cello here, some piano there, a few birthday parties and we will be at full Fall swing. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sophie Revisited

As Olive ages, she tends to pick up more and more habits that remind us of our beloved Sophie.  At this point, I'm 50/50 as to whether or not she is Sophie reincarnated. Hey, I saw A Dog's Purpose.

She's even picked up a smoking habit...