Sunday, July 31, 2016


When you take your kids to Target, sometimes you get the luxury of holding your daughter's purse while they peruse the toy aisles sipping on their Icees....

Friday, July 29, 2016

Politically Correct

After reading Duck for President to the kids tonight, Amelia gave me a little election year advice.  First, I am absolutely not allowed to vote for Donald Trump because he is going to make kids wear uniforms to school (I'm not sure her source for this nugget of information).  However, I am also absolutely not allowed to vote for Hillary Clinton because if she wins, it will ruin Amelia's hope of becoming the first female president (A desire she has never expressed before).  So, there you have it.  Amelia's voting philosophy is based on misinformation and wild dreams.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


I came across this picture from our beach trip this summer.  I figured I should post it here so it can serve as a reminder to me to never, ever again book a hotel room with only one bed. Despite the fact that Meggan caught us all snoozing, going Willy Wonka style and cramming into a bed with these two involves far more tosses, turns, and kicks, than it does sleep...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


With Meggan gone tonight, I had to move this large, wooden cabinet to the curb alone.  Well, technically not alone...

Monday, July 25, 2016

Sing Along

Amelia performing with the big girls...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Jump Around

Since it was hot enough to use the sidewalk as a griddle today, we decided to take our Sunday indoors....

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The One

Despite having about 50 trains, Everett tried to assure me THIS train was the one that would change his life didn't work on me....

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Now Taking the Stage

It was nice to be greeted as I got home from a busy workday by an inspired rendition of "C is for Cookie"....

(I wish I had a video, but he wouldn't perform for the camera)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Round 2

Here is a short story about a 7 year-old girl who once again decided to lose her mind at bedtime.  This little girl had her soft music playing, her night light on, and her dad waiting to scratch her back as she fell to sleep. For some reason, she decided it would be a good time to get out of her bed and refuse to get back into it.  When her dad explained to her that she could either get into the bed immediately or he was leaving her room for the night. This little girl, despite being deathly afraid of going to bed alone, decided to stand her ground.  She quickly responded (in a mocking voice) to her father's plea with "ohhh, noooo, don't take my privileges. You'll forgive me anyways."  Then, that same tough talking little girl started to beg and cry as her dad left her room.  He can currently be found downstairs enjoying watching TV.  Meanwhile, she is now alone, crying herself to sleep, and likely rethinking that "you'll forgive me" comment.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Together Again

You'll be happy to know Amelia and I have made amends. I left her a note on her dresser that said "I love you every second of every day with every piece of my heart. I always have and I always will."  I think this alleviated the concerns she went to sleep with last night (she thought she hurt me so bad I wouldn't love her any more) as she came downstairs this morning with the note, didn't say anything, and then gave me a two minute-long hug.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Well, I Have That Going For Me

I received this note tonight after I let Everett go first at bath time. Apparently, the sticking point is the extra bedtime-story time the person who goes first gets. I think I'll go ahead and save this little note as a future bargaining chip...

Sunday, July 17, 2016


There are few things more helpful than when your oldest child, who doesn't mind reading books for the 200th time, learns to read.  He gets to hear books he likes over and over. She gets to practice her reading skills. I get to sit back and relax.  Win. Win. Win.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Suit Up

Amelia's soccer uniform came today.  I'm so excited to see her be a part of a team and learn what winning and losing is all about. That said, she looks more like she's ready for the post-goal celebratory taunting...

Friday, July 15, 2016


We tried our best to do an amateur photo shoot of the kids at the Avenue of the Oaks while on vacation.  Considering they spent 99% of the time complaining about the heat and running from gnats, let's just say it didn't work out like we had hoped. At least we salvaged a few decent shots...

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Taking Aim

Note to self - when asking Everett to help you water the flowers, specify you mean a few potted flowers and not shooting the hose on full blast at any tree, bush, or living plant in your yard.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Words of Wisdom

I'd pay good money to know what sort of knowledge was being dropped in this conversation...

Sunday, July 10, 2016


There are several things that make vacations special.  While nothing can compete with the people you get to spend time with, it certainly doesn't hurt to to be lucky enough to have these views from your hotel...

Saturday, July 9, 2016


Everett found this beautiful shell on our beach trip.  He was so proud of his find that we lugged it around with us the rest of our time at the pier.  Why would we keep such a cool souvenir on the floor where it could get stepped on or broken? We wouldn't. It walked itself off the counter and across the floor. Apparently, despite our best efforts to make sure this shell was uninhabited, it was still home to a shy, little creature.  Needless to say, we drove him back to the pier and Amelia returned him home with a frightened squeal and a wild toss. 

Friday, July 8, 2016

Home Again

After an absolutely great week away, we're headed home in the morning.  I'll be happy to see Sophie and sleep in my own bed, but I'm not sure these two are ready to get out of the no bedtime, dessert anytime, swim all day and sleep all morning mode...

Friday, July 1, 2016

Hard Knock Life

Amelia had a great time in her Annie performance today (she played one of the orphans, the narrator, and Mrs. Warbucks).  I'll try to get a video up soon. For now, here are some blurry pictures taken in the dark...