Sunday, March 31, 2019

Selfie Stylist

I opened my phone today to find this picture of Amelia.  Looks like someone has been experimenting with her hair....and liking it....

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Lost Tapes

The great thing about digital cameras is sometimes you find an old card and you get a free walk down memory lane....I barely remember them being these ages...

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Almost Home

It's after midnight, but Olive and I are still up, anxiously awaiting Meggan's return to the States.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


When you go to Grandma and Grandpa's, you get put to work.  Luckily, that work is creating your own bakery stand to sell cookies and cakes....

Monday, March 18, 2019


Somebody here is patiently waiting for their mom to come home from her trip to London.  I don't have the heart to tell her she's stuck with me for 5 more days...

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Jet Plane

This beautiful lady left on a jet plane today.  She is fulfilling a lifelong dream of traveling to Europe...

The kids, Olive, and I already miss her and she has just started across the ocean

Friday, March 15, 2019

Ready, Set, Write!

Everett is now officially an author.  He wrote a book about the weather and got up in front of teachers, students, and parents and presented it like a boss.  I'll try to get a video on here.  For now, enjoy this pic of him and his biggest fan...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Hanging Around

For some reason, going into a store removes my kids' ability to remember how to act.  They don't cause trouble or run around like animals.  They just can't go more than 45 seconds without touching something, messing with each other, or generally doing anything besides quickly shopping and leaving.  Case in point, I turned the corner the other day to find this....

...Amelia wearing a coat while it was still on the rack as if she had been hung there like an ornament.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Another Option

In case you don't want to play with my Santa toy from the last post, a walk is a totally viable option for me.....



Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Now, I don't speak puppy, but I'm pretty sure someone is ready to play....

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wild Ride

Amelia finally got to have her birthday party today.  It was at one of those places that has trampolines, foam pits, etc.  This particular place had an attraction featuring a group of trampolines with a giant padded arm spinning in a circle.  To help you picture it, imagine a giant padded clock whose hand spins at an alarming rate. The challenge is for the participants to jump over or drop under the arm as it spins.  While half of Amelia's party was afraid to try it, a few brave souls went inside.  This group included Everett, who never backs down from a good time.  As the arm started to pick up speed, it became evident that one of the participants was in for a world of hurt.  The combination of Everett's diminutive stature and big heart left meant he wasn't taking the easy road and going under, but he also wasn't physically capable of going over. With a group of girls watching, my man gave it all he had....and subsequently landed directly on the arm, clinging for dear life as it carried him around the circle at warp speed.  My only regret is I didn't have my camera out at the time.  For those wondering, it basically went like this....

Image result for cat on a ceiling fan gif