Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Little Rusty

For the first time since the pandemic began, the four of us braved dining inside a restaurant for Meggan's birthday. It felt great to be back "around" other people.  The kids were clearly rusty at things like ordering, cloth napkins, free refills, etc. Luckily, they were able to get it all sorted out by the time dessert came.   

Monday, December 6, 2021

Every Day is a School Day

When the chain pops off your kid's bike, you have two choices as a parent... fix it for them so you can be their hero.... or teach them how to fix it so they can be someone else's hero one day.  I chose the second option.  This falls in line with what I tell Amelia all the time (although I'm probably not supposed to say in 2021) - Learn the things that make you never NEED a "man".  That way, you can only have them around when you WANT to.