Friday, May 29, 2020

Sweet Dreams

I can only imagine the size of the dog treat this little one is dreaming about right now....

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


There are no words I can come up with to describe how proud I am of my little girl (I know, I know, she's not so little).  She's been celebrated by several people today for putting a beatdown on elemantary school.    That's a great accomplishment, but my pride for her has very little to do with it.  My pride comes from the person she is growing into and shows on a regular basis.  She's so smart, so kind, and so thoughtful of others that she says things like she did tonight... "I think Everett has a good point, but to expand on what he said..." just to make him feel good about his ideas while still getting her, very different, ideas out there.  She's a special girl, a special person, and for the record, she did give elementary school a heck of a beatdown. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020


I was able to capture a picture of all 4 of us, sitting together, without any electronics.  This is a rare, rare occurrence...

Friday, May 22, 2020


Lucy and Olive are becoming best friends. The share food, toys, laps, never bite each other, etc.  You'd think they were made for each other. Oh wait, that's right, none of that is true.  They bite/wrestle 24/7, chase each other throughout the house, and Olive took a poop on Lucy's head the other day.

They are, however, making progress.  I caught them doing this yesterday...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


It has been a busy few days around our house.  Is it work related? No. Is it health related? No.  Is it DIY project related? No.  It is all thanks to this little (and at 2.6lbs., I do mean little) addition to our family.  We got her partially because we've gone crazy during quarantine and partially so that Olive would have a friend.  So far, we're still crazy, but Olive is NOT on board.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


As a parent, it always feels good to teach your kids lessons about hard work...but, it really, really feels great when they get old enough that they are actually helpful...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

One Down

I mentioned the kids made Meggan Mother's Day gifts this year.  I still haven't been able to get Amelia's uploaded, but I did remember to get a picture of Ev's.  He wanted to get her flowers, but hasn't been to a store in 2 months.....

Monday, May 11, 2020


The kids did a great job making presents for Meggan for this Mother's Day.  As for me, I allowed Apple to make my gift for her.  As soon as I can figure out how to load Amelia's gift on here, I will. In the meantime, I will hang my head in old person shame and offer up this picture I took today of my beautiful baby girl....

Friday, May 8, 2020

Sandwich Bandits

These two masked heroes are making 100 sandwiches to help the homeless.  Oddly, they'll sit on the couch and starve before they grab a bag of pretzels for themselves, but they were really excited to do this.

Monday, May 4, 2020


My man asked me to help him build a fort in his room.  I told him to close his door and his whole room could be his fort.  He said forts have to have tops on them so people can't see you. After some negotiations, here is what we came up with. ..

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Creative Juices

The kids have taken an interest in drawing and writing these days.  We spent some time drawing together last week and Everett has even started writing his own book.  He's currently 13 pages in and says it is going to be 105 pages long.  Now, I have no idea how he knows that, but I'll keep you posted. For now, here is a sample of our drawings.....

 Ev's dragon-

 Amelia's dragon -

My eye -