Tuesday, January 28, 2014


I just officially moved the last of our things out of the house. So, barring any unforeseen issues, we have said goodbye to our first home. It has been a home that has brought us far more pleasure than pain. It is the home I brought my children home to. It is really the home in which Meggan and I became true "grown ups". However, having said all that, I locked the door for the last time today and I didn't feel any sadness.  I'm a sentimental guy. I even teared up saying goodbye to my dorm room (which is one step up from a prison cell). Sure, I could probably drum up emotion if I picture us decorating their nurseries or think about leaving our neighbors. But, I just expected to want to hold on a little more. I suppose this means the time is right, the new house is right, and deep inside I know better things are coming.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


In thinking of our favorite times in our house, I can't think of any more fun than our nightly dance parties. They've always been great, but they hit a whole new level once Everett was old enough to join in...


Moving, much like folding laundry, is one task where your things seem to multiply every time you turn your back. Today was no exception. Meg and I just finally sat down in part because I swear each time I took 2 items to the Pod, I returned to the house to find 4 new ones in their place...one of which I don't ever remember us buying and the other 3 being things I was pretty sure we threw away years ago.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Why in the world would I hire movers when I have wonderful helpers such as these??? After all, those boxes at the top of the Pod aren't going to sit on themselves....


As we are readying for our move, we are trying to recount some of our favorite memories from our first house.

The first 20 seconds of this video and her surprise that Santa did in fact "brought" her toys is one of my all time favorites...

Thursday, January 23, 2014


We are exactly one week away from closing on our new house. While I am so excited for the new place, it is always hard to leave your first home. I decided I'd spend the last week here posting a few of my favorite memories from our time at home here.

I think I have no choice but to start with the single most important things that have happened in my life....bringing home my two babies (Amelia on the left, Everett on the right)...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Everett had his 2 year-old checkup today. Apparently, he continues to be a healthy, small boy with a large coconut for a head. Everything looked great (except a rogue ear tube) and his stats were ....

Height - 29th percentile
Weight - 12th percentile
Head Circumference - 72nd Percentile

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hidden Treasures

Only when you're moving can you truly rediscover hidden treasures from years past.

Here, Amelia found Meggan's veil from our wedding... I have to admit, it was a little more glorious 7 years ago when Meggan wore it...

Everett gave it a whirl as well, but despite his fashion sense, I'm not quite sure he's wearing it right...

Monday, January 20, 2014


One day after turning two, Everett is already dropping serious knowledge on us...

Sunday, January 19, 2014


My little man turned 2 today. If there is anything I've learned from having kids, it is that time moves at an inconceivable pace. You have to try to enjoy the ride while you can.

Like his big sister before him, Ev celebrated 2 with the help of Elmo...

Despite the low key affair, he was a happy little guy...

 Grandma and Grandpa (or BePaw and BeMaw as Everett calls them) were able to make the trip...so, of course it was a great party

Friday, January 17, 2014


Nobody enjoys the pain of moving. Trying to get all your little items into organized boxes only reinforces that you have wayyyyy too much stuff. Luckily for us, when you have a 2 year-old helping, it is considerably easier. After all, when you're trying to put your belonging INTO boxes, it's just so great to have someone with more energy than you taking everything OUT and throwing it on the floor.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


I'd like to thank the programmers who made the virus that completely locked me out of my computer last night.  Sure, that computer has every picture I've ever taken of my children, everything I've ever written, and all my financial record keeping. But hey, I'm just flattered you remembered to send me a gift on my birthday. Seriously, you guys, that was so sweet of you. I thought Everett learning to say "daddy" instead of "dada" was going to be the best thing I got. Then, like some kind of computer nerd  magicians, you swooped in and gave me the headache that keeps on hurting. I know I'll never be able to fully repay you. So, I'll just wish you the best....and by the best, I clearly mean I hope your online girlfriends cheat on you and your parents kick you out of their basements.

Happy Birthday...to Me

Yesterday was my 35th birthday. While I don't feel a day over 34 and a half, I suppose I can accept my new age.  I was kindly reminded by all the mathemagic in the world (Ev is closer to 18 than I am, etc. etc. etc.) that I am not young anymore...and I'm okay with that. Would I mind having the body I had when I was 20? Sure, who wouldn't? That said, if getting older means I now have a wife and kids that I adore, a mortgage because I own my own property, an earlier bedtime because I have a good career, then getting older just means getting to the good stuff. I had great fun in college, but none of it compares to 4 tiny arms wrapping around me to give me my birthday hugs.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Getting Worse?

Is it possible that Amelia is actually worse at eating Oreos as a near 5 year-old than she was as a tiny 3 year-old???  I'm not even sure how one goes about getting an Oreo mustache.

3 years old...

Last Night...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Boys Are Gross

Amelia said the following tonight -"Everett! Stop playing with your nugget!".  I'll let you figure out what prompted this statement. The only hints I'll give are 1) Yeah, it was good advice from her 2) It was bath time and 3) If he was in public, he would have been arrested.


I guess Amelia has heard enough about Everett's mastery of stacking blocks. Tonight, she whipped up this bird house perched upon a skinny block. Unfortunately for her, right after this picture was taken, Everett sent this birdhouse crashing to the floor.....just as he had done to every other block she stacked tonight.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

More Party Than Slumber

Amelia attended her first slumber party last night. She says she had a good time. However, judging from the fact that she looks like she went on a 5 day bender, I'd guess she had a GREAT time. She isn't used to partying quite so hard. I'm sure she'll have many more sleepovers with her friends. I'm also sure she'll come home with a hangover from each and every one. That said, as long as she goes to bed without a fight like she did tonight, I'm all for it.

Nice Try

Despite Amelia's best spirited efforts, the Panthers were unable to pull out the win today...

Friday, January 10, 2014


My kids - I love them so much I'd jump in front of a speeding bus for them .... and some nights, they annoy me enough to make me root for that opportunity to arise.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Uhhh, Now it Feels Real

We found out today that we might be able to close on our new house earlier than we thought. We could do it as early as next Thursday...which would make this our last Thursday in our first house - the house both my children first called home...and well, that just feels way too real.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Big Boy

It is Everett's first full time week in the Young Two's class.  The little guy has had a great time.  On top of finding out the other day that he is the alpha-stacker in a class of much older kids (including helping another boy learn to stack things), we found out today that he apparently is more potty trained than most the kids in the Older Two's class next to his. So, he might not be the most talkative man, but he can pee well above grade level.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Be honest, does the fact that he's wearing cowboy boots (albeit light-up Woody boots) make the fact that he's wearing a dress from the movie Frozen any more manly?

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Ev is starting to potty train. He has picked this up virtually on his own and far before Amelia did. I'm guessing having her as a great example has led to his early efforts. I'm so proud of him, but there is one little problem. He appears to be so addicted to the applause and cheers he gets for a successful potty trip that he wants to try every five minutes.  He'll run to the bathroom saying "Tee Tee. Tee Tee", sit on the potty, and strain as hard as he can to squeeze out a drop or two. At that point, he expects you to totally lose your mind like Publisher's Clearing House just showed up at your door.  We try oblige, but our celebration is getting weaker and weaker. By the 15th time in a day, our cheers are more like a golf clap.  This hasn't seemed to deter him yet. However, if he doesn't slow down his pace soon, I'm going to train Sophie to bark and dance for him upon hearing the toilet flush.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Does That Thing Have Seat Belts?

I'm glad Ev likes the new dump truck he got for Christmas. I just wish he realized that unlike his new tricycle, not everything is meant to be ridden.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Growing up

Everett is moving to the 2 year-old class next week. As part of getting him ready, he's been spending part of his days over there recently. His two best friends aren't coming for a few weeks, so I thought he'd hate it. Apparently, I thought wrong. Even without his two main Wrestlemania partners, he absolutely loves the big kid class and doesn't want to leave. I'm guessing they must have some pretty cool toys in there. On a related note, his new teacher told us today that he stacks blocks and toys better than any kids she already has in class....She would have known that if only she read this blog.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Farm Art

It isn't all outdoor activity when we are down on the farm. Indoors, there is a lot of talking, even more eating, and even a little art (as per below, usually thanks to Aunt Kim) going on ...