Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Reading Group

 Luckily, on nights where Meggan and I are busy, Ev has found an alternative reading partner ...

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Full House

 Amelia's orchestra finally got to perform their annual concert.  It was outside and performed in front of a capacity crowd of masked, very socially-distanced parents.  Luckily, we were able to reserve front row seats so we could really see the action.  I carefully went through our photos to figure out which shot paid the most justice to our view, which not coincidentally was also the one that highlighted Amelia the most...

...if you look closely behind the boy in front, you can sort of see her hand on her cello neck...

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Simple Plan

 I am fortunately getting my 2nd COVID vaccine shot tomorrow.  While I'm not afraid of needles, arm pain, slight flu symptoms, etc., I am deathly afraid of the unknown.  What if I have a reaction??? What if I feel awful for days afterwards??? What if I'm the first person whose arm rots off after the shot????  In seeking to calm any worries I have, I sought the advice of the least stressed person I know .... my man, Everett.  

Me: "Hey bud, you gonna take care of me after I get my shot tomorrow?"

Ev: "If you need me to, but I think you'll be fine."

Me: "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll probably just feel tired."

Ev: "You just get your shot, lay down on the couch, turn on a violent movie like Indiana Jones, call it an early night, hit the hay, snooze, and when you wake up, you'll be all good and ready to go on a date."  

Me: "Good plan, bud."

Ev: "That's what I would do."

So, as you can see, my relaxation guru has it all figured out.  Sure, he doesn't understand the vaccine takes a few weeks and that I my goal isn't necessarily to be ready to go on a date....but, no need to get caught up in the details.  


Friday, April 16, 2021

White Noise

 As I've said on here, I've been working quite a bit recently.  While I am grateful to still be working from home, I do miss the hum of coworkers buzzing around. Something about that energy just makes me a little more productive than my current white noise makers ..... adorable snoring pups....

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


 In case you're wondering if my work/life balance has come back a bit since my post last week .... I worked until 5am the night after I posted about how busy I had been and I am posting this at almost 1am.... so, I don't think I'm quite back in balance yet.  Even these two have started having our daily work-from-home meetings without me...

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The Hunt

 Tonight will be the first night since last Thursday that I haven't worked until Midnight.  I'm calling it at 11pm tonight so I have time to rest, relax, and make a blog post. 

One person in our family was clearly more excited than some others about doing an Easter egg hunt this year. Guess which one it was....

Was it this one slowly walking/standing around waiting for it to end because it's hot outside....

Or is it this one smiling, running around, and showing off all his discoveries with pride....

If you guessed Everett, you'd be correct.  Then again, it wasn't that hard to guess since a) he's a lot younger and b) he's always been pumped to do an Easter egg hunt......even when he mistakenly finds the dog's ball....

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Pushing Buttons

Did you know if you push the power button on your IPhone 5 times it will bring up the option to call 911?

Did you know if you put your IPhone in your bookbag and walk around, that button might actually get pressed 5 times? 

Did you know your cell provider has family plans that send you a text that says "Your child has dialed 911" in order to 1) alert you to this situation and 2) make you poop your pants? 

Did you know if you get a text like that you have to immediately find your child to make sure everything is okay?

Did you know if your child has their cell phone in their bookbag, they won't know it's ringing? 

Did you know once you show up at your child's lunch to find them and make sure they're fine, your next step is to quickly contact everyone you need to in order to make sure the S.W.A.T. team doesn't storm the school?

Yeah, Meggan didn't know that before yesterday either.