Thursday, November 28, 2019


Another great Thanksgiving is in the books.  Unfortunately, a few guests weren't able to make the trip, but we still made the best of it. We were able to survive with great food (thanks to Amelia for making peanut butter balls and Meggan for making nearly everything else) and great company (thanks to my sister, my aunt, and my uncle who made the trip),  Hopefully everyone can make it next year.  For now, we're enjoying the day. 

Monday, November 25, 2019

Second Opinion

My man is old enough to want a second opinion as to whether his hair looks cool or not .... and yet still young enough to ask to send a photo to his grandparents for that second opinion....

Friday, November 22, 2019


Is there a better way to spend a Friday night than in a packed out 500-person theater?

When you love one of the cast members, I certainly can't think of one...

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Funny Guy

I took my main man to the movies this weekend.  He really enjoyed the movie.  I really enjoyed him...

Growling at me when I asked to take his picture....

Showing how strong the blow dryer is at the theater...

Saturday, November 16, 2019


I'm not sure who is more embarrassed, Olive for having to wear this bear suit since it is so cold outside or me for having to walk her while she wears this suit...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Work Release

When you break your mom's favorite lamp because you're wrestling on the couch, you get put on staff until you earn enough to buy her a new one....

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Wild Kingdom

Despite living in a major city, there seem to be a lot of animals around lately. 

This guy was hanging outside my office, looking in at me like I was a caged animal....

 This big buy was outside the fence in my back yard.  I guess he thought it was a good place for a rest...

And this animal tried to suffocate my wife in her sleep two nights ago...

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Poor little puppy.  She's so hungry she can't even hold up her head.  If only a few crumbs would drop from the dining room table..

Monday, November 4, 2019

Report Cards

Today was report card day.  As it turns out, we didn't even have to open them to know what they said....

Everett is strong at math,  but can work on writing. 

Amelia is strong in all things to do with words, but can work on math.

Everett is a hard worker, very participatory, and talks too much when it is not appropriate. 

Amelia is a conscientious friend, a thoughtful student, and needs to participate more in class. 

Everett took it in stride and said "hmmm, I did a good job"

Amelia focused on the one or two less flattering marks and bawled her eyes out. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Try, Try Again

Well, as expected from my last post, Halloween was a wet mess.  Luckily, much of the neighborhood was up for trying again the next day.  It might not have been on Halloween night, but our trick or treating was a smashing success....

These two kittens (and pumpkin) were safely under the watchful eye of their knight in shining armor...