Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Hidden Gift

Many people may wonder why Santa didn't put together our ping pong table when he delivered it.  Perhaps it was because it was going in the room attached to Amelia's bedroom?  Maybe it was because its weight was 140lbs and it was going upstairs?  It could have even been because he was tired and he didn't get here until late.  There's really no way to know.  However, if I had only one guess, I'd say it was because he didn't want to deprive me the gift of spending time with my little elves putting it together.  Santa is a pretty smart dude. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas

No, today wasn't like any Christmas we've had before, but it wasn't completely different either.  First and foremost, we were still able to talk about the reason for the holiday.  We talked through Jesus's birth, why it was important, and what it means for our lives.  Secondly, we got to spend time with family.  Yes, it was over Zoom calls, but it was still a great opportunity to see loved ones.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million...and when that video includes a family member who just fought a dangerously severe case of COVID, it's priceless.  Additionally, Santa dropped off gifts at our house.  In a year where many people have been financially affected, we appreciate everything he was able to bring to us.  Lastly, we were able to feast.  I don't want to get into all the details, but let's just say I started my day off by eating chocolate peanut butter balls and I'm not proud of where it went from there.  2020 tried its best, but if you had Jesus, family, Santa, and snacks .... you had a damn good Christmas.  

Grazing in the kitchen....

Swimming in gifts...

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Just in case 2021 isn't better than 2020, I've started Everett on prison style workouts in the basement.  Okay, I'm just kidding.  Everett has a certain amount of energy to burn each day or he will explode....so, I started him on prison style workouts in the basement...

Friday, December 18, 2020

Annnnnnnnd Break

 The kids and Meggan survived the Fall semester and made it to break!  Now, we can focus on relaxing, laughing, and trying to stay up late to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus.  Here's to hoping for an easy, healthy, peaceful end to 2020!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Sound of Music

 If I have to share the couch with Amelia during her remote learning days, at least I get a free concert out of it ...

Friday, December 11, 2020

Full Circle

 Today was one of those days where you get to experience both sides of life's coin.  On one side, it was Meggan's birthday.  We had all the joys, gifts, and cake that go along with it.  On the other side, Heaven gained another furry friend today when we had to say goodbye my mom's dog, Sassy.  With my mom passing a few years ago, Sassy became a living reminder of her and held a special place in our hearts.  So, on days like today, I'm reminded that no matter how much quarantines, elections, and protests try to interrupt our lives, they still go on.  Each day comes with births, deaths, laughs, and cries....and cake....don't forget the cake.  

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Master Plan

I'm not saying I'm trying to brainwash my children into following me into a lifetime love of the Florida Gators....I'm just saying when Everett shows up wearing a Gator sweatshirt and requests his sister make him an orange and blue balloon helmet, a little piece of my heart feels like all is right with the World...

Saturday, December 5, 2020


My babies are getting too big.  They have braces and phones. They legitimately feel they can beat me at sports.  They are experts in almost everything.  They have their own opinions and ideas on topics from politics to college savings.  They can make their own food and stay home without us. That said, on some occasions, you still go to check on them and find that one of them (and likely both) decided having separate bedrooms has always been overrated....

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Santa's Helpers

 With the help of these two elves, we have our tree ... now, I just have to figure out how to fit the $47,000 worth of gifts Everett wants underneath it...