Friday, August 30, 2019


As part of the curriculum at school, Amelia had to choose an instrument to play going forward.  While almost all of her friends went with the violin, she chose the cello.  I didn't even know she knew what a cello was. Sure, she could have picked something cheaper or easier to carry around, but I respect her style and individuality.  Besides, she looks so beautiful playing it....

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stitch Fix

Sure, my man had to get a few stitches in his chin, but you should see the other guy...if you could, he would look exactly like a very hard set of stairs.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Consolation Prize

Amelia had a play date today with a good friend of hers. Everett, assuming incorrectly, thought THEY had a play date with Amelia's good friend.  It was obvious that he had planned a great time in his head for the three of them.  Unfortunately, my man forgot his parents don't allow siblings to interrupt play dates.  I offered him a guys' trip to the movies, a stop for ice cream, and an opportunity to beat his dad at video games.  The overwhelming brooding this was met with showed me that while he seems to love hanging out with me, I'm really just a sorry consolation prize relative to his big sister's friends. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


After spending the last several weeks of summer with her people, I think somebody is bummed about having everyone back at work and school...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Last One

Today was this girl's last "Meet Your Teacher Day".  After this, I guess you just show up to Middle School and go wherever the zookeepers send you.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


A wise person (several actually) once said being brave isn't the absence of fear, but being able to triumph over it.  Amelia lived this today.  After a few years of wanting earrings, she finally got her ears pierced.  Now, I know babies get their ears pierced and it isn't exactly skydiving.  But hey, did you read the quote?  It isn't about whether or not other people are afraid of something.  It's about whether or not you're afraid of it.  I can certifiably say Amelia was terrified. So, it may not seem like a big deal to some, but I couldn't be more proud of my girl.  She's now the proud owner of a new set of amethyst earrings, a new level of confidence, and only dropped a few F-bombs during the piercing...

Thursday, August 15, 2019

What a Deal!

Regular price - $54.99

Sale price - $56.99

Total Savings - negative $2.00

What a steal, Target.  What a steal.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Prime Suspect

I came downstairs to find this completely destroyed and partially eaten pen today....

I'm not saying I know for sure who did it, but I'm guessing this furry thing burying her face in the couch has a good idea....

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Off They Go

With the high school seniors heading off to college, including my niece and the girl down the street we saw crying and hugging it out this morning, it's hard not to imagine how you'll handle that day.  The kids have been at their grandparents' for almost a week (hence the lack of blog posts) and we miss them so badly we can barely stand it.  We talk to them every day knowing they'll be back in a week.  So, if I think about them leaving with no return date in sight....let's just say I'm not confident I'm going to handle it well...and that will still be better than Meggan handles it.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The kids have been gone for two days and I already miss them like crazy.  Luckily, I found these two pictures on my phone from the night before they left...

Amelia showing off her new haircut....

 Ev showing off his post-shower hairstyle....

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Good Listener

In case you're wondering how you can tell if your 10 year-old daughter has any interest in what you have to say ....I'd say a good starting point is to make sure she doesn't have a set of headphones ON TOP of her other set of headphones....

Thursday, August 1, 2019


After our last beach trip, I've decided to add two requirements for our future destinations...

Disney movies playing on a drive-in screen at the pool.  The kids were enjoying the view from dinner in this picture....

A pet wash area where we can hose off this nasty little animal...