Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Late Nights, Early Mornings

This little girl is ready for her play. .She is now in the middle of a week straight of being at rehearsal or shows 5 hours per night...her parents are also in the middle of a week of trying to figure out how to shuffle her to school, get her to the play, take Everett to soccer, pick her up at 10pm, and try to squeeze in some work.  Oh well, at least she's beautiful in her play makeup....

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Well, it's a sad time in the Barber house. Not only did my Gators lose today, but we also suffered the loss of a dear part of our household this week.  After almost ten years, it was hard to say goodbye.  I, of course, and talking about the demise of the Little Chick towel....she had to go to the towel rack in the sky after her head unfortunately fell off. We're down to a precious few items from Amelia's time as a baby...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Next Time

Well, I didn't win the lottery....but, these two are still willing to party with me...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Party Time

After I win the lottery tonight, the kids and I are going to spend tomorrow partying like it's 1999. Celebratory ice cold Cokes for everyone!!

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Open Door Policy

As expected, the kids loved the hotel last night.  I'd say their favorite part was going out on the rooftop terrace and looking over the city from hundreds of feet in the air. I'd say my least favorite part was the frosted bathroom door that burned this nightmarish image of my kids into my head for life.....

Friday, October 19, 2018


This has been one of those weeks. Monday - Meggan worked until after bedtime.  Tuesday - Meggan worked until after bedtime.  Wednesday - I worked until after bedtime.  Thursday - I worked until after bedtime.  Tonight - Meggan worked until after bedtime. Tomorrow night - Meggan has to work at an event until after bedtime.  Since this event is at a rooftop restaurant downtown and we haven't been able to spend much time together as a family this week, I decided to book a hotel room in the same building.  That way, we can spend the day wandering around downtown and then Meggan just has a short elevator ride to come snuggle everyone after her event.  Sometimes, when there just isn't enough time, you have to improvise.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


This is spirit week at the kids' school.  I don't particularly remember participating much in Spirit week myself. However, they aren't looking to miss a chance to dress up.  Tomorrow is tin foil and duct tape fashion. Uhhh, great. Oh, did I mention Meggan worked last night and tonight so the poor kids are stuck with whatever Mr. Mom can slap together?  At least they'll look cool in their new glasses tomorrow...

Sunday, October 14, 2018


I opened my phone tonight and this surprise photo was on the screen. .  I think he's such a funny, little wild man. I know I'm the luckiest dad alive. 

Friday, October 12, 2018


Everett and I were getting gas in the car when we turned around and saw this creepy thing staring at us.... needless to say, Everett was not a fan and may never want to go to a gas station again.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Sweet Girl

Heaven gained a new watchdog today.  Rest in peace, Sadie girl.  I'll miss your greetings when I pull onto the farm.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Behind Closed Doors

Amelia has now installed a doorbell on her bedroom.  To which, Everett has responded by putting up these signs on it that say "This is Mimi World", "Ples reg the dore bel", "This was mad by Everett".  So, it seems like if I want to go in Mimi World, I'd better ring that bell or else I'll have to answer to her tiny bouncer.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Bigger and Bigger

These two keep growing and growing and growing...

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Two Weeks Notice

I'm not going to name names, but we had to levy our heaviest punishment to date, 2 weeks without any IPad or video games, thanks to some behavior issues at school.  It appears as though someone under the age of 10 in our house is having a very, very hard time remembering when to talk and when to be quiet.  According to said child, the reason they talk so much is because they get too many ideas and they will forget them if they wait until later. Yeah, we didn't buy it either. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Amelia took some of her goal-scoring money and bought a lighted canopy for her bed.  She and Everett felt like proper royalty...and crawled in the bed singing Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman....over and over and over.