Monday, February 28, 2011

la la la

So, she didn't quite get what I was saying, but she gave it her best...

Amelia: Boom, Daddy!(boom is a game we play where I fake-toss Mia up and "catch" her)

Me: What do you say?

Amelia: PEAASSSSE? (Please)

Me: Not peas, baby. pLLLease, pLL, pLLL, pLLLease. pLease with an 'L'.

Amelia: la la?

Me: Good enough. BOOM!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting by

Do you think we need mom to be around in order to have fun at bath time?

Yeah, we didn't think so either.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Seeing is believing

The other night, I was paid a great compliment by a friend of mine. She said "I can't wait until Mia is old enough to read the blog so she can see how much you love her.". While I sincerely appreciate the sentiment, my biggest hope is that she never has to see a single word on this site to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I love her with all of my heart.

My little girl

Two years ago, I stood in a hospital room having just witnessed the most fantastically amazing event of my life. It truly is one of life's beautiful messes. There is no way to replicate or simulate the feelings that rush over you when you first meet your new child. The senses of pride and responsibility fight for top billing. You are too tired to stay on your feet, yet so filled with joy that you're floating on air. You congratulate yourself on making it through such a tough day while not realizing the ensuing nights are waiting to pounce on you. Then, suddenly it hits're a what???

Two years later, I sit here the unbelievably proud father of a little GIRL. That little baby I met is gone. She now walks up the stairs, talks on the phone, and even cooks hot dogs in her kitchen. She tells me she loves me and blows me kisses goodbye. Plus, she can hear the theme to Elmo's World from a quarter mile away. People marvel at the birth, but to me, it's the growth that is stunning. I'm sure I haven't been a perfect father, but despite any of my shortcomings, I am blown away by, and thankful for, the child Amelia has become.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy birthday to my sweet, sweet baby girl! I wish I could be home to celebrate. Due to work, I only got to see her at her party at school today. But, I had to make time to post a Happy Birthday to her on here in case she ever reads this blog later in life. I want her know that her dad was thinking of her on her special day.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where are you?

Last night, Amelia picked up her cell phone (which actually happens to be a dead cell phone that used to belong to her mom) and had the following conversation....repeatedly...

"[Insert person's name]"

"Where are you"




She "called" Maw Maw(my mother), Grandma and Grandpa(Meggan's parents), Ta-ty (her aunt Stacy), Bice (her friend Bryce), and Kinsey (her friend Mackenzie...I'm 49% sure I misspelled that). I guess she just felt the need to check in on everyone.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy almost Birthday!!!

Amelia's 2nd Birthday Version 1 was a smashing success. Now, as we prepare for Versions 2(school) and 3(my family) we can feel comfortable that we won't have a repeat of last year ... Happy 1st Birthday

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rough couple of days

1) Croup

2) RSV (respiratory virus)

3) An ambulance ride to the ER from my house (not for Amelia and all is well, so the person shall remain nameless)

4) An important work meeting completely forgotten about

5) Sophie tried her best to escape and ran down the street today chasing after a pit bull

6) Meggan and I both feel like we are coming down with something (likely from #1 or #2)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I am quietly sitting in the dark listening to Mia sleep. Let's just say our evening was not a good one...

- she was so sickly (fever, in and out of sleeping, coughing) by the time we got her to urgent care hours at her pediatrician's office that they skipped the dozen kids in front of her and rushed her back to a doctor immediately

- while sitting in my lap awaiting the doctor, she surprised me to a lovely, good for the skin, barf bath

- after a steroid shot and a fever reducing "treatment", we were sent home with orders not to leave her alone, to watch her closely overnight, and to take her to the ER if her breathing gets worse again.

So, here I am standing guard. Meggan will take her rotation shortly. Anyone who says being a parent is an easy job... either has never been a parent, doesn't quite understand the proper use of the word "easy", or is referencing the small subset of time where their child does something disgustingly adorable.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Whip my hair

Amelia and I stayed home today because we wanted to give her body a full day to fight her newly regained cough. Sometime this afternoon I decided we had been trapped in this house long enough and needed to go get some "Ice Ceeem". Amelia was laying on the couch at the time and shot up like a rocket when I asked...

There was either static or she was shocked to be getting ice cream on a school day...

Ice Cream cures all...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun while it lasted

Well, I have good news and bad news. The good news is Mia has done much better on her hitting recently. I'm not sure if it is a function of taking her off her steroids, talking with her each time she does it, or just dumb luck. However, the bad news is after being off her steroids for a few days her cough is back. It crept back in a little last night and tonight it is in full force. We have started the steroids again in hopes of taking it out before it gets too bad. Wish us luck.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Party Time

Mia had her Valentine's party at school today. Barring the fact that her parents completely dropped the ball on getting valentines for the other kids (full disclosure: we DID buy valentines, however, at the last minute we decided we would be the only people there handing out cards to kids who can't read...apparently no other parent thought the same so she became one of the only kids NOT handing out valentines...oops) she had a great day. There was no hitting...okay, there was a little hitting this morning, but none at the party. Hey, that's pretty good from our perspective.

Enjoying a healthy plate of cookies and Cheetos...

Sharing some pillow time with her best friend (cropped because I don't have permission, but I wanted to show her sweet side since I have clearly discussed her more aggressive side!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Uhhh, yes please

Look at what I found coming to a city near me...

This is going to make Amelia's year, if not her life.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Amelia's hitting situation has now stooped to a new low. Apparently, for the time being at school, she has to hang out with a teacher by herself first thing in the mornings rather than with all the other kids while everyone arrives. Yeeeaaahhh, that's embarrassing.

In an effort to correct some of her current behavior issues, we have now instituted a zero television policy and have taken Amelia off her steroids. Hopefully, this will result in the return of our sweet, sweet baby...although, maybe we should have seen this attitude coming a long time ago...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Please knock

Here is an e-mail I recieved from a friend of mine (names have been changed to protect the innocent). It outlines a situation unique to fathers with daughters...a situation I hope to eternally avoid...

You know that commercial where the person is so consumed with their blackberry/smart phone that accidents keep happening because the person is not paying attention.

Add checking your BlackBerry in the nude before entering the shower and having your ~4 year old daughter walk in and become traumatized at the site.

Awesome way to start the day.

You would have sworn Hillary saw a dead body.

...may Amelia never wander in and see my dead body

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Equal Opportunity

Another beautiful day at the park today. Unfortunately, Mia decided to turn into the Incredible Hulk again. There were a minimum of five incidents where she attempted to shove a kid down. On a positive note, we found out she does not discriminate by means of race, gender, or age. She's an equal opportunity bully. Now, the obvious question is "where were you guys when she was doing this?". Well, we were right next to her. However, it is tough to monitor because you don't want to smother her and you can never predict it. For instance, at one point she attempted to shove a girl, who with no exaggeration, was around 8 years old. How in the world were we supposed to see that coming?!? We are fairly sure she is just doing it because she wants attention, not from us, but from the other kids. She basically just wants to play...rough. Of course, there is always the possibility that she is suffering from 'roid rage due to the breathing treatments she has to have.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


If your day didn't start with you pulling up your pajama pants, throwing on your mom's boots, and pounding some keys while singing "mommy daddy mommy daddy mommy daddy" ...well, frankly, your day didn't start off as well as Amelia's did.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The beat goes on...

I dropped Mia off at daycare soon as I set her down, she ran across the room and shoved another kid to the ground.

---8 hours later---

Meggan walks in the classroom to pick her up from school...before exiting, Mia flies across the room to deliver another running body blow.

Seriously, though her teachers say this is age appropriate behavior, I'm wondering why I don't see the other kids turning into Hulk Hogan once they enter the room.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Mia loves dogs. Mia loves cats. Bolt is a movie that features a dog and a cat. I might choke somebody out if I have to watch another episode of Sesame Street.

Sooooooo...just when you think you have found a wonderful solution to get Mia to watch ANYTHING other than Sesame Street, you know, a little variety in your life...all you have really done is turn her on to a new vice. Today, I watched Bolt for roughly the 20th time in two weeks.

Now, instead of constantly hearing "Elmo, Elmo, Elmo" all I hear is "kittydoggy, kittydoggy, kittydoggy"


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Too young?

These days Amelia has me what age can you enroll your child in some form of military school? Sure, she is not quite 2 years old. But, I'm telling you, she is advanced for her age. I'd say she's got the propensity for trouble of at least a 3 year-old. We got the report from daycare today that she spent some quality minutes in Timeout. Apparently, telling your teacher "No" when she asks for help goes over about as well there as it does at home...very poorly. Also, Mia seemingly thinks the "no hitting" rule is really just more of a general guideline for the meek. In her mind, I suppose it's normal to give basically every kid in the class a daily high five to the face. However, while we love high fives and we love all the children's smiling faces, we really frown upon the meeting of the two at the hands of our daughter, the bully. So, while we may not be quite ready to resort to shipping her away, we are ready for her to move up to the bigger kids class to learn a few lessons the playground way.