Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Too young?

These days Amelia has me wondering...at what age can you enroll your child in some form of military school? Sure, she is not quite 2 years old. But, I'm telling you, she is advanced for her age. I'd say she's got the propensity for trouble of at least a 3 year-old. We got the report from daycare today that she spent some quality minutes in Timeout. Apparently, telling your teacher "No" when she asks for help goes over about as well there as it does at home...very poorly. Also, Mia seemingly thinks the "no hitting" rule is really just more of a general guideline for the meek. In her mind, I suppose it's normal to give basically every kid in the class a daily high five to the face. However, while we love high fives and we love all the children's smiling faces, we really frown upon the meeting of the two at the hands of our daughter, the bully. So, while we may not be quite ready to resort to shipping her away, we are ready for her to move up to the bigger kids class to learn a few lessons the playground way.

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