Thursday, February 24, 2011

My little girl

Two years ago, I stood in a hospital room having just witnessed the most fantastically amazing event of my life. It truly is one of life's beautiful messes. There is no way to replicate or simulate the feelings that rush over you when you first meet your new child. The senses of pride and responsibility fight for top billing. You are too tired to stay on your feet, yet so filled with joy that you're floating on air. You congratulate yourself on making it through such a tough day while not realizing the ensuing nights are waiting to pounce on you. Then, suddenly it hits're a what???

Two years later, I sit here the unbelievably proud father of a little GIRL. That little baby I met is gone. She now walks up the stairs, talks on the phone, and even cooks hot dogs in her kitchen. She tells me she loves me and blows me kisses goodbye. Plus, she can hear the theme to Elmo's World from a quarter mile away. People marvel at the birth, but to me, it's the growth that is stunning. I'm sure I haven't been a perfect father, but despite any of my shortcomings, I am blown away by, and thankful for, the child Amelia has become.

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