Sunday, February 6, 2011

Equal Opportunity

Another beautiful day at the park today. Unfortunately, Mia decided to turn into the Incredible Hulk again. There were a minimum of five incidents where she attempted to shove a kid down. On a positive note, we found out she does not discriminate by means of race, gender, or age. She's an equal opportunity bully. Now, the obvious question is "where were you guys when she was doing this?". Well, we were right next to her. However, it is tough to monitor because you don't want to smother her and you can never predict it. For instance, at one point she attempted to shove a girl, who with no exaggeration, was around 8 years old. How in the world were we supposed to see that coming?!? We are fairly sure she is just doing it because she wants attention, not from us, but from the other kids. She basically just wants to play...rough. Of course, there is always the possibility that she is suffering from 'roid rage due to the breathing treatments she has to have.

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