Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Tenant

This guy is the newest member of our family.  As you can see, he's having a really hard time settling in.....

Friday, December 29, 2017

Hello Friend

We have this guy coming over to our house tomorrow to see if his foster thinks we are a good fit....

We went to his house today to see if we like him.  The only thing I couldn't figure out is whether or not Amelia like him...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Well, that was unexpected.  After feeling guilty for years for buying Sophie at a pet store and Teddy from a breeder, we are now trying to rescue a dog.  The problem we're running into is actually getting a rescue to give us a dog.  I understand the kindhearted people who are fostering the dogs really just want the best home for their fur babies. That said, I've filled out multiple applications for multiple rescues asking for vet references, neighbor references, in-home visits, a pet ownership history log, etc. The only contact we've had back was from a foster declining our application for a dog who "loves kids" ...BECAUSE we have kids.  They were worried the kids would let the dog out of the front door.  Really? A married couple living in a suburban neighborhood who have had dogs their entire lives are incapable of protecting a 10lb dog...and apparently watching our kids as they aimlessly wander in and out of the front door. This falls in line with a foster we met a few weeks ago who had done multiple in-home visits, but hadn't found the "right fit"....Perhaps there are so many dogs looking for good homes because there are too many fosters unwilling to let them go. 

Monday, December 25, 2017

Great Expectations

Christmas is a time of joy, love, faith, and great expectations. We expect the holidays to bring us cheer.  We expect people to be nicer to one another. We expect to stress over last minute shopping.  We even expect Santa to blow our minds every year.  It is these expectations that set the holidays up for failure.  If you weren't cheerful or nice the other 11 months, December isn't a magic switch.  If we didn't spend time avoiding the stores in anticipation of crowds, jam packed stores on Christmas Eve wouldn't become a self fulfilling prophecy.  Most importantly,  when your dad tells you Santa isn't bringing you a puppy, don't wake up on Christmas morning explosively excited to run downstairs to your new best friend.  Santa doesn't deliver living creatures.  He delivers bikes and Legos and Hatchimals....those are really cool too, Amelia everyone.

Friday, December 22, 2017


It looks like Christmas came early for this guy....

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Checking it Twice

With a few minor indiscretions, these two should make the nice list again this year....

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Friend Needed

Amelia needs a dog in her life. At least that's what she tells me almost every day.  This is the last guy she tried to convince us to get. While he's beautiful and gave the best hugs (literally getting on his hind legs and wrapping his front paws around you), his foster parent gave about 50 warnings about his bad behavior....and we already know how it turns out when we get matched up with a handsome, but mischievous devil (Teddy, anyone?)....

Saturday, December 16, 2017


After seeing Amelia's note she wrote us, I'm starting to think maybe she didn't quite get over us forcing her to do her math....

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Not Just Dogs

Speaking of pets, I saw this guy with a live squirrel on a leash walking through Lowes....

Monday, December 11, 2017

Moving Up

Teddy's new owner posted this photo is safe to say my man has moved up in the world and is still as handsome as ever. He's currently spending his days on beaches and boats.  While we miss having a dog, I couldn't be happier for him...

Sunday, December 10, 2017


Today Everett's BFF came over while his dad fixed a fan.They raced cars, jumped on beds, and came down to my bedroom dressed in Green Lantern, Batman,Superman, Iron man and many more.  They ''Jailed'' me. And last but not least shared a goodbye cookie to end the excitement.  I think this playdate was a good one.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

How Great It Is

After a week with no TV or Internet, I offered to put the AT&T guy's kids through college this morning when he showed up to my house.  It was the least I could do.  I originally thought a week without the trappings of electronics would be a good thing for us.  It turns out, I was very, very wrong.  I didn't factor in the 3 nights I would have to work, the 2 Gator games I'd have to watch on my phone, and the fact that TV and Internet are really the only two tranquilizer darts we have to protect us from the kids when boredom turns them to the dark side. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Poor Planning

Sitting by yourself, working in a house with no furniture at 11 o'clock at night because you moved all your furniture to your new house, but you only have internet at your old house is not a great night.  Poor, poor planning on my part. 

Friday, December 1, 2017


Me and the family are jiggly wiggly about moving tomorrow.  We are definitely going to miss our chandeliers (and most of our money.) Well I hope you are having a great weekend!  Good bye!


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bed Bugs

They argue over who brushes their teeth first. They race each other up the stairs for bath time.  Amelia hates it when Everett calls her "Mimi" in front of her friends at school.  Everett hates it when Amelia turns on her silly TV shows.  The wrestle on a routine basis.  Yet, once they shut it all down and think nobody's find them snuggled into a pretzel where they fell asleep keeping each other safe from the monsters under the bed....

Monday, November 27, 2017


Hello!  My dad just taught me how to use the blog.  So, some of the future post will be made by me, Amelia.  I can't wait!  Have a great night!  And lets stay on track 27 more days until Christmas!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Back Online

We returned home tonight from an incredible 9 day trip. I completely unplugged from work, from the blog, from planning our move, etc.  We saw about 90% of the people closest to us in this world.    We slept in 5 different beds.  We snuggled 6 different dogs.  We went to a college football game.  We went through the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  We explored all the Magic Kingdom had to offer.  We went on safari at Animal Kingdom.  We ate everything we saw.  We learned Everett loves roller coasters.  We were reminded that Amelia is just as happy hanging out on a couch with family as she is at any amusement park....  Most importantly, we survived spending just about every minute of every day for over a week together....and I think we still kind of liked each other at the end of it.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Less than 24 hours away from leaving for our Disney/Universal trip.... here's to hoping neither kid's head literally pops off their body with excitement.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Worker Bees

Child labor at its finest....

Friday, November 10, 2017


This little guy came wandering down the street today.  Since he was by himself and didn't have a collar, we brought him to our house to hang out until we could find his family.  He was a perfect gentleman.  He accepted rubs from anyone who looked his way and despite his apparent age, he couldn't stop chasing the tennis ball.  After a little less than an hour, we found his owner frantically yelling for him down the street.  It turns out his name is Vladimir.  It also turns out he made me badly want a dog. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Time Off

A few weeks ago, we instituted a "No IPad on weekdays" rule.  This came as a result of both kids becoming addicted to some dragon game.  They played in the morning. They played in the night. They talked about it when they weren't playing. This has not been a popular rule change as exemplified by Everett's behavior last night when he was reminded he wasn't allowed to play.  He looked at us, set down his IPad, and yelled "WHY DO WE HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS?!?!"

Monday, November 6, 2017

In the Books

Another soccer season in the books.....another medal around the neck...another smile on the face....

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Today included coaching Everett's last soccer game, spending two hours in a trampoline park for a birthday party, rescuing a lost 15 year-old dog from a busy road, spending two hours at a horse farm for a different birthday party, and doing a little work on our new house.  So, tonight when Meggan and I got the chance to get a sitter and have a relaxing dinner together, we enjoyed every single second of it.  Now, if we can just find a sitter for 2 or 3 days, we can get the break we really need.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


This is the look of a guy who went to bed so proud of himself for finally trick or treating at the "scary house" only to find himself in his parents' bed a few hours later thanks to bad dreams...oh well, at least he tried....

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Win Some, Lose Some

Unfortunately, due to a minor mishap, Meggan and I had to let the kids go trick or treating with the neighbors.  That said, I did my job as a parent and went through their candy, taste testing a few pieces, once they got home.  I'm so proud of those two candy monsters.  They did some awesome work.  Neither of them had room in their buckets for any additional treats.  To the house that handed out full size packs of Starburst and Skittles, may God bless you.....To the house that gave out Chili Cheese Fritos, may God have mercy on your soul.

Monday, October 30, 2017


This little guy here got his first ever report card today.  He did well in most areas and was complimented on his attitude and social skills that got him more constructive criticism regarding his conduct than I received in my entire school life....

Sunday, October 29, 2017


In a week where I'm not sure I could pack more in, it's only fitting that I can't believe I haven't posted since Tuesday. Here is a quick update of the last few days....

I worked late almost every night and both weekend days
We met with 4 different contractors on improvements for our new home
We prepared the house we're selling for 15 showings 
We negotiated and finalized a contract on the house
I spent 3 days on crutches
We went to Amelia's last soccer practice and game
I coached Everett's toughest soccer game of the season
We attended a party for Amelia's team
We went to a surprise 40th birthday party for a friend
We bought a pressure washer and a shop vac and made good use of both of them
We walked in a Halloween parade and attended our neighborhood Halloween party
We worked on the new house likely making more mess than progress
We carved pumpkins by our fire pit
I thanked God for how full my life is.....and I passed out from exhaustion

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Match

At the conclusion of Amelia's final soccer practice of the season, the coaches invited the parents onto the field to scrimmage against the kids.  Naturally, I accepted the challenge.  Once I hit the grass, I was met with trash talk from all angles.  I got to see the darkness of the hearts of 8 year-old girls.  They were aggressive. They were mean. They were's just a shame they weren't victorious.  Parents rule. Kids Drool. Where's my trophy???

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Good, Bad, Ugly

the Good - Ev ended up not having the flu. So, Amelia's theory of medical dishonesty hasn't been proven true.

the Bad - Instead of the flu, he has hand, foot, and mouth disease. 

the Ugly - While it isn't dangerous, it is the ultimate nuisance.  He can't eat without pain.  He can't sleep due to the bumps itching....and most importantly, his parents can't sleep with him crying all night.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Not Fooling Her

Once the doctors told Everett that he had the flu last night, Amelia's wheels must have started turning. This morning, over a bowl of fruit loops, she gave me the rundown of the situation....

Amelia: Last year, we got flu shots and Ev and I still got the flu. This year, we got flu shots and now Ev has the flu.  I think they are giving us FLU shots that give you the flu.  That way, we'll have to go back to them and pay them. Then, they'll order us medicine and we'll have to pay them more. Then, we'll have to go back and pay more so they can make sure the flu is gone. So, we had to pay them to get the shots just so we could pay them more. 

Me:  Baby, you might need to watch more little kid shows and read more little kid books. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Very Real Estate

Very good news.....we bought a new house today.  Less good news....seems like we forgot to sell our old house first.  Technically, we didn't forget.  We just waited until today to put it on the market and it hasn't sold in the first 8 hours.  Here's to hoping tomorrow brings a buyer.  While I've always dreamed of having a second home, it hasn't ever been a second home only 5 miles away.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Silly Things

It looks like the only things that changed are the hat and the height.  Everett still can't get enough of the Lowe's Christmans display....

 Ev at 2.5 years old....

Ev at 5.5 years old....

Friday, October 13, 2017

At Least They Smiled

The kids' school pictures came today...can anyone tell me why both of them look like they haven't brushed their hair in a week??  Did they take a nap while they were waiting in line?  Did they ride a golf cart to the photographer??  Did they take turns wearing the mascot's head before the shoot???

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Stealth Mode

I'm not sure where he came from or where he's going....what I do know is this tiny ninja has been spotted sneaking around my house for a few days.  Luckily, he hasn't decided to attack just yet...

Monday, October 9, 2017

Hello Again

I don't believe in reincarnation, but this puppy I came across online today made me start to wonder....

Sophie as a puppy....

"Savannah" the currently adoptable puppy....

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Friends and Enemies

There's nothing like sports to reunite good friends. Everett got to face off against one of his buddies from preschool today. I assure you it was an epic showdown for the ages....especially when the ball rolled right past them as they were chatting at midfield...

Thursday, October 5, 2017

There Can Be Only One

Everett is now getting old enough that he can compete with Amelia at certain things.  Naturally, this has caused Amelia to rise to the occasion many times to hang on to her spot as the alpha child.  Usually these events involve some sort of wrestling or racing.  However, this time it was just a good, old fashioned staring contest... I left them here two days ago.  I'll go back to get them next week to see if either has given up...

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Just like all younger siblings, Everett thinks his big sister hung the moon.  In fact, you can see he is so enamored with her, he can't even take his eyes off her during her soccer match.....unless you consider the fact that his chair is facing away from the field, she's 100 yards away, and he's glued to an IPad with his buddy....

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Think Twice

For the last several years, we've used an alarm system to keep our home safe.  However, these days, criminals have another reason to think twice....

Unless, of course, they want to tangle with Batman, Superman, Woody, a knight, and a Jedi all rolled into one....

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Familiar Face

When Amelia was walking around the house rocking her new pair of glasses (for fashion only as she has great vision), I couldn't help but feel like it was a familiar site....

It finally occurred to me. I HAD seen another beautiful girl wearing fake glasses for the sake of style....

Monday, September 25, 2017


Don't worry, this isn't a murderous land shark, it's only Everett...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Friday Night Lights

Wow, it has been a busy week.  I'm starting to think with multi-night soccer practice, soccer games, school parties, and Meggan and I squeezing in jobs somewhere that "busy" is just starting.  Oh well, at least it's the good kind of busy...and more importantly, I was able to find time to share hot dogs, Sprite, and a high school football game with my little man.....

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Name Game

Ev's homework tonight was to create his name in a way that described him.  I think he did an excellent job... if Legos don't describe him, nothing does....

Monday, September 18, 2017

On the Move?

We put an offer on a house tonight.  Any time there's a move involved, there's always questions about how much you're going to have to spend.  That said, what I really want to know is how much I'll have to pay Everett or Amelia to go check out this area in the crawlspace...

...I'm guessing somewhere around $11,000 and the cost of a lifetime of counseling. 

Friday, September 15, 2017


We have been tossing around the idea of moving to a new house to get the kids closer to their school.  Naturally, this topic is bringing daily interest from the kids. Here is a conversation I had with Amelia yesterday....

Me: I looked at a house today.

Amelia: Did you like it?

Me:  Ummm, I liked it, but I wasn't crazy about it.

Amelia:  Then why would we buy it?

Me:  Well, mommy and daddy are really trying hard to find a house that will get you guys closer to school, give you some neighborhood friends, etc.

Amelia:  Daddy, we aren't the only ones moving. You and mommy need to think about yourselves too.  You need to be happy.

Me:  You're right.  We will.  There's just a lot that goes into being a parent.

Amelia:  Yeah, well, just make sure you think of yourself too .... I mean, definitely think of me first.  But, then think about you. Me first. Then you.

Me:  You're too kind.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Magic School Bus

Do you know what Everett thinks the highlight of his week has been so far? 

Riding the big boy bus...

Do you know what the actual highlight of Everett's week has been so far, even if he won't understand it until he has kids?

Having a big sister who loves you enough to help you onto the bus, introduce you to the bus driver, sit in the front seat with you instead of with her friend, and help you to your class once you arrive at school....

Monday, September 11, 2017


It's very hard as a parent to balance letting your kids be daring and letting your kids be dangerous.  It's a very fine line between the two.  For instance, when they're walking a stone wall that's over your head, that's daring.  However, when you're the only person around to catch them, but you're also the person carrying the box of donuts, that's dangerous... I mean, dropping fresh donuts or catching a falling kid is just not a Sophie's Choice I can get comfortable with....

Sunday, September 10, 2017

It's Finally Here

For two years, Everett has dreamt of the day he gets to ride the big kid bus to school.  At dinner tonight, we let him know Wednesday is going to be his big day.  I think it's safe to say he was a little excited...

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Maybe It Was Us

As you may recall, we had a few issues with Teddy while he was here. In fact, I still have a few scars, our carpet still has a giant hole, and our back yard still looks like someone was digging for oil.  Having said that, this is what he's doing one month removed from causing terror in our home....

This is him taking a nap....on an airplane....flying across the a service dog....

Here he is gently and patiently taking in the California views on his way to a pediatric office where he sat with kids to help keep them calm...

So, there you have it.  We're pretty much the worst dog owners on the planet. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Long Weekend

We decided there was no better way to spend a long weekend than an impromptu trip to the mountains.

We mined for precious gems...

 Conquered major fears on a 3 story water slide (that's Amelia at the top. Ev didn't wait for the photo op)...

Picked fresh apples....and ate a lot of apple donuts....

Tested our strength to see if the donuts were fueling our muscles...

...great weather, great food, beautiful views, and a ton of fun .... I'm ready to go back.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Good to Know

This girl looks sweet, but trust me.....there's a fire in there and it burns hot.  Tonight, she let me know she was not just "the boss of the little kids, but pretty much the ruler of this house"

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sight for Sore Eyes

You know what you don't expect to see when you turn around at your daughter's soccer practice? Did you guess her 5 year-old brother walking up to you (and a crowd of parents) with his shorts around his ankles, a giant smile on his face, and his Captain America underwear proudly on display saying "Hey! Look what happened to my pants! I need a belt!" ?  If so, you're correct. I certainly did not expect to see that....but, I guess I learned a hard lesson about expectations....and the other parents learned the important lesson that Everett isn't shy about his belief in pants-optional partying.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Fingers Crossed

I just finished all the paperwork to be the assistant coach for Everett's soccer's to hoping the background check doesn't turn up any dark, sordid secrets that even I don't know about.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Week One

Week one of Kindergarten is over.  It consisted of 3 school days, Amelia sneaking away on her bathroom break to go by Everett's class to check on him, and 1 visit to the nurse's office.  Looks like we're well on our way to 2030...

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Take 2

Thanks to a staggered start, Everett was back in daycare today.  I'm sure he spent the day telling tales of his adventures in the big leagues.  After a tearful goodbye to the school that helped raise him (from Meggan, not him), he is excited to get back into the swing of Kindergarten tomorrow.  Is there a better way to do that than opening your lunch box to a surprise monkey drawn on your sandwich?? Yeah, I didn't think so either...

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


We spent the day yesterday preparing for the solar eclipse... or an alien invasion....or anything else Iron Man, an angel costume, and eclipse glasses could be needed for...

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hero in Disguise

Meggan turn the corner to the stairs only to be stopped by this man .....

... luckily, he lifted his mask and said "Tricked you. It's just me, Everett!" .  What a relief... we thought a light saber waving, Captain America/Green Lantern robber had broken into our home. 

Friday, August 18, 2017

Survival Mode

Our house has been struck by a modern nightmare tonight - we lost our Internet and our cable.  I know what you're thinking and the answer is yes. Yes I did panic, grab the astronaut food and guns, and go into full survival mode.  For some reason, Meggan's phone is out of data like it's 2010.  This left us down to only my work phone.  I kid you not, we almost had to spend the night talking to each other as a family.  Luckily, I recalled we had a stack of DVDs.  DVDs, kids, are what we had to watch movies on before you could stream anything at any time to any device.  The kids and I watched The Sandlot- a childhood favorite from which Everett has now picked up "you're killing me Smalls!" while Meggan read a book. Books, kids, are things people used to read before everything was a text message, blog post, or status update.  A good movie, a good book, a little conversation; tonight wasn't a total waste.  That said, obviously if the Internet and cable aren't back on tomorrow, we're putting this dump on the market and moving to a hotel immediately. I mean, what are we, cavemen??

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Better in the Dark

Reading Harry Potter is always a great experience.  However, I've recently learned if you want to take it to the next level, you simply get in your super comfy Taylor Swift shirt, turn off the lights, and read by flashlight. ..