Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year

Every year, I set a series of New Year's resolutions.  In general, I probably keep about a third of them.  I probably give about a third of them a decent effort. The last third are probably broken by January 2nd.  Rather than go over all my successes and failures, I figured I just hit one of each....after all, in a year in which your son is born, all the little crap you do on a daily basis is really insignificant.

Biggest Miss -
I set out to take a little time each day to stretch. I'm horribly inflexible and I'm not getting any younger. So, how did I do on this resolution? Well, I can remember stretching roughly 3 times last year...once when the remote was juuuuust out of reach, once when the Oreos were on the top shelf, and once when I dropped my cell phone and it bounced under my car. As evidenced by my torn ACL, I apparently needed to stretch at least one more time. Oh well, I'm guessing this year will be better.

Biggest Hit -
I set a goal of reading 12 books last year. Now, for some of you, 12 books is a good summer reading list. For others (and you know who you are) this blog is the closest thing to a book you've read since high school. While I don't fall into either of those extremes, a book per month while having an infant in the house was not a given. So, how did I do? I just finished book #17 tonight...and no, none of them were 50 Shades of Grey.

I haven't finished my list of resolutions for this year. Considering it is after 9pm. on New Year's Eve, maybe I should consider putting "stop procrastinating" at the top of the list.

Surprise Concert

I happened to stumble upon Amelia performing in her room today. I tried to sneak up on her...and the lack of video and audio quality shows. ..

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Great Outdoors

There's nothing like a little time spent in the great outdoors...even if it is only 100 feet from the house.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Change of Plans

Well, we were supposed to be driving home tonight...and then we thought about how little we enjoyed the two extra hours on the way down when we had car trouble in the middle of our trip...and then Grandpa sweetened the stay-one-more-night deal by offering up roasting marshmallows and spending time in a tent in the back yard. There was little hope Amelia was going to let us leave after that.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Good Day

Amelia and Everett celebrated their third Christmas of the year today.  We're down at Grandma and Grandpa's, so this included opening gifts, shooting bb guns, climbing treehouses, and looking for deer tracks. Everett even took his first step in honor of the day (and promptly fell). I'm not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow, but it has quite a bit to live up to.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Pictures

For the most part, I think the kids enjoyed their Christmas presents. If nothing else, they enjoyed making a mess.

The aftermath

Ev enjoyed his train...

...and then he tried to ride it standing up 
Amelia making "ice cream"

Easy Bake Oven cupcakes...that look like uncooked hamburger patties

Merry Christmas

In case you are really bored, or are a part of my family, here are a few videos of how our Christmas morning went.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

If you didn't wait outside to watch Santa ride by on a fire truck, get dressed up and go to Christmas Eve service at Church, and then sprinkle reindeer food in your yard to attract Santa's sleigh,  our Christmas Eve was better than yours.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Welcome Home

Thanks to Amelia helping him hide, my nephew Robert was able to pull of a nice surprise today after spending months in the Persian Gulf serving in the Navy....I wish everyone in the Armed Forces were lucky enough to come home for Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Nice View

If you ever get bored, you can always hook up your new surround sound system and watch old Youtube clips of yourself. Tonight, Amelia danced to her recital while Everett watched on in amiration.


Okay, I'm not going to lie....when the power at our house went out at 11:59 last night, Meggan and I shared a brief fear of "Damn, maybe the Mayans were right". Luckily, it came back on around 1am.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Early Christmas

Everett officially opened his first presents today (We wanted Miss Tonya to be able to see the joy her presents brought) . I think he did a pretty good job for a rookie. Sure, he was more interested in the paper than anything else, but Amelia didn't even like to bother with that when she was a baby.  In case you are thrown by her very natural looking, long, blond locks, that isn't a new kid in the house, it's just Amelia wearing her new Rapunzel hair. It looks like it's going to be a fun Christmas...

(The bonus footage at the end is just because I wanted to see if Sophie would finally eat Everett)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

As some of you know, the new blog header is the picture we used on our Christmas card wishing you a Merry Christmas whether you had been naughty or nice. Well, while I find the picture hilarious, I feel like it has given my man, Everett, a bad rap. He's actually a really happy baby and he doesn't sit around crying all the time. He's also not the child in the picture who had their Elf on the Shelf leave them a note saying he returned to the North Pole because they had a bad attitude. That would be the sweet looking little girl to his right.  So, don't let the picture fool you,  she's no angel, he's no devil, and there is no truth in advertising.

Sickness As Usual

Amelia is only 3 years old, but somehow I feel like this is the 7th Christmas in a row that she's been sick.  I'm not sure if that's because she's thrown in a few sick birthdays and a sick Thanksgiving or two or what. All I know is it feels like we have not had a single celebration in this house without the sound of coughing and sneezing...or the need to Photoshop snot out of our holiday pictures. Who knows, there are still a few days before Christmas, so I'm hopeful she'll clear up by then. If not, Rudolph won't have the only red nose in town.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Brotherly Love

Why do I feel like Everett wasn't very concerned with whether or not his sister got the appropriate efficiency in this morning inhaler treatment? This is the baby equivalent of the guy who accidentally unplugs someone's respirator in a terrible hospital comedy...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

It Won't Be Long

This is the look of a man that wants to take a step, he just doesn't quite know how to do it yet. Soon, he'll take his first step, then his second, and then we'd better be ready to chase him...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Child's Mind

The older Amelia gets and the more we get to experience the things she says, the more we realize there really is no accounting for a child's mind.  Today, we made a special breakfast for her. Now, keeping in mind she has watched Frosty the Snowman no less than 50 times and owns her own singing Frosty the Snowman doll, we sort of expected her to lose her mind when she saw her snowman pancakes (complete with bacon scarf). Instead, she looked at them for a second, at no point realized it was a snowman, and then said "Oooh, chocolate chips!" and plucked out Frosty's eyes.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Sad and Thankful

On a day like today with the tragedy in Connecticut, there really isn't much to say on a silly blog. As a parent, this touched me more than similar tragedies in the past. When I imagined how I would feel if it were Meggan's school or if my kids were there, the whole thing made me very emotional. With that said, I can't express how grateful I am to be safely at home with both of my kids tonight. I am also thankful my oldest child can go to bed tonight with only Santa on her mind because she is too young to be exposed to the news of the day.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I'm the Dad ...of a Future Man

A weird thing happened tonight when I was thinking about the crappy news I got today about tearing my ACL. I was contemplating the surgery and rehab options when I took a peek at Everett on his baby monitor. Naturally, the wild man was still rolling around his bed checking for escape hatches. That's when I was reminded that I am the dad of a little boy who will grow up to be a man one day. As simple as that sounds, the older he gets, the more I realize my actions will dictate how he views the proper way for a man to act.  (Now, there is an argument that says the way I act will impact what Amelia thinks she needs to find in a man later in life. This is probably true, but I figure I'm going to bury any boyfriend of hers that I don't approve of in the backyard anyway, so I'm not worried about that so much.) So, if Everett were old enough to understand my "boo boo", I'd have to do all I could to act tough and as though I'm not scared and it doesn't hurt.  I hope I'll stand up the the task when that day comes. That said, luckily he's just a baby, so this time I'll probably just cry like a girl.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tough Questions

Last night, I complained a bit on here about Amelia calling out in-store farters and women who look like Mickey Rourke. While I stand behind my discomfort with her lack of volume control, I now consider myself very lucky to avoid the questions I heard a father get asked tonight. As Meggan and I were doing a little Christmas shopping, I overheard a tiny voice (probably no older than 4) and her dad have the following conversation...

Girl: When big kids grow up, how do they know their mommy and daddy go to Heaven?
Dad: You just have to believe, honey.
Girl: Because where they died is where Heaven is?
Dad: No. Heaven is up in the sky.
Girl: Because we don't have to breathe in the sky and we don't breathe when we're died?
Dad: No, Sweetie... Because Heaven is a special place.

At that point, I walked away appreciative for the fact I have not had to cross that bridge yet. I'm sure at some point all parents are forced to answer this type of question. I wasn't much older than that little girl when my dad died, so I'm sure my mom had to go through it. I guess all we can do is hope when the time comes to  discuss illness, pain, or even death, we are somehow able to find the right words. I truly commend that dad tonight. I know if I were in his shoes, I probably would have knocked over a display or claimed I just saw Dora walk past in hopes Amelia would have forgotten what she asked.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Oh, how I love the honesty and innocence of a 3 year-old.  Tonight, while she and I were standing on the greeting card aisle trying to find the perfect card for Meggan, another cart carrying another child came by.  Just before they passed us, a sound came from their cart that sounded...and I'm not accusing anyone of anything a fart. Being the grown man that I am, I ignored this. However, being the small child Amelia is, she promptly stood up in our cart, pointed at the little girl, and laughingly yelled "Ewwww, Nassssty".  The poor little girl looked stunned. I stood silently mortified. Luckily, the tension was broken when the girl's mom began laughing as they turned the corner. Then, roughly a minute later as I was trying to explain to Amelia why we don't do that, a rather manly looking woman turned the corner.  Before my brain had time to register any thoughts, Amelia loudly asked me "Daddy, is that a boy dressed up like a girl?". The woman, who I can only assume is in a biker gang, shot me a look like I peed on the carpet. At this point, I said the only thing I could muster..."Baby, no more words...please."

Dress Up

I mentioned on here the other day that Sophie and Everett were becoming fast friends. If Sophie restraining herself around her food wasn't enough, perhaps her sharing her Christmas outfit will convince you...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

One, Two, Three Strkes.....You're Out

As you've probably seen on here, we have more than our fair share of illness in this household. I'm not sure why as we try to be very clean. I'm guessing it has something to do with my daughter licking the walls at daycare and my son eating every toy he can reach regardless of whose mouth it was just inhabiting. That said, we've never had anything like what we have right now. Currently, everyone except Amelia has a stomach bug. That's right...I'm sick...Meggan is sick...and Everett is sick. The only positive for Amelia is since we are all basically incapacitated, she is running the house like Kevin in Home Alone. I just made my way downstairs to find her watching Looney Tunes and eating a heaping bowl of Fruit Loops.  Oh well ,as long as she's quiet and doesn't burn down the house, I'll be happy.


In you are like me and couldn't hear anything they were singing at the Christmas concert, here are solos (through a slight cold) of two of the songs...

Twinkle, Twinkle Hannukah Lights...

This is the way we look for a tree...


Amelia's Christmas Concert was a hit. Well, at least she had a good time. I couldn't really hear much of what was happening. I'm just glad she didn't pick her nose this time.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Soft Spot

Any of you who have had the pleasure of meeting Sophie know that she can be a teeny tiny bit of a barker.  For instance, she may bark at a car passing by....or a fly buzzing by the window.  She also has the tendency to overreact to anyone walking through the front door and tries to eat anything that threatens her food supply.  However, when it comes to the kids, there is no limit to her patience. She protects them any time we get in a tickle fight.  She doesn't make a peep when they try to remove her ears using only brute strength.  She doesn't even jump on them when they get home from school.  While I was pretty impressed with those behaviors, I would never have guessed how far her patience would go for Everett.  For some reason that defies all the laws of being a Jack Russell, when Everett goes for Sophie's food bowl, she doesn't attempt to end him, she simply eats everything as fast as she can before he can touch it..  To test whether it was him or if she had just turned over a kinder, gentler leaf, I went near her food bowl after he left....considering she pulled a switchblade on me, I guess it was just him.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No Chance

Once this wild animal got his hands on them, those poor little moles never stood a chance...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Santa Bieber?

I'm all for teen stars and pop idols....but, at some point haven't we gone too far? I'm not looking forward to the day where Amelia wants a Justin Bieber stocking or Santa hat. I'm not positive, but this may be a sign that the Mayans are right...


When Amelia was little, she had a little bit of a mullet.  I had hoped he would avoid a similar fate. Well, if Amelia was considered a hairy, little monkey...Everett is more like that weird fuzz that grows on a baby bird...

Monday, December 3, 2012

You Win Some, You Lose Some

When it comes time to say our prayers every night, you never know what you're going to get. Some nights she dives straight in and starts while other nights she holds them for ransom.  And when she says them, some nights she thanks Jesus for smoked sausage and other nights she says the sweetest things. Tonight, she made me exceptionally proud. She not only prayed for her little brother to learn how to chew (Everett still throws up every time he eats), but she also prayed that God would help all the kids who weren't lucky get presents and clothes and food. When she says things that make you so proud, you can't help but think you're doing a pretty good job as a parent.  Of course, when you have two kids, if one is making you proud...chances are the other one is doing something like licking the sliding glass door...

Sunday, December 2, 2012


So, Amelia has a history of really, really hating everything that scares her in any way. This sounds natural, but she employs it on an unnatural level.  It doesn't matter that we never use the terms scared, nervous, or afraid. It doesn't matter that we try to make her face her fears whenever possible. She was just born naturally worried. For instance, we saw a large Grinch painting in Home Depot yesterday and she literally spent the rest of the time in the store telling me she wanted to leave and she never wants to shop there again. So, tonight I tried to get her to watch The Grinch on tv. Meggan and I prefaced it with how silly and funny he is and how he learns his lesson and is a good guy, etc. After about 10 seconds, she made me turn it off and DELETE it from the DVR. At least that was the end of it... until 2 hours later when she broke a dead silence by saying "God just didn't make me to like the Grinch. That's all."


Here are a few pics from the day... you know...without anyone picking their nose in them.

Amelia getting ready for the big day...

Everett was pleased to see the theater offered refreshments...

 Waiting for the star to emerge so he can hand her her much deserved flowers...

 Apparently, you can buy overpriced flowers if you want, but a lollipop is the real prize...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Boogerina Princess

My little ballerina princess had her second recital today. Personally, I feel her dancing has really improved since the last one...especially the part around the 1:43 mark where at center stage, she stops dancing in the middle of her recital to go gold digging for a booger in her nose. This, and the subsequent second attempt at said booger, are the only reasons I am happy I forgot to bring my video camera that zooms in tight.

Considering the embarrassment, I nearly decided to leave her on the stage after the recital and just pretend we didn't know her. As for Meggan, that is her you hear laughing through the entire incident.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tough Answer

If you ever find yourself wondering if you are old, fat, and out of shape, may I suggest you simply look in a mirror rather than going to the YMCA and trying to dominate in basketball. Sure, the first answer (being frightened by the aging you in the mirror) is a little more ambiguous and probably isn't a sight you'll be in love with....but, it sure beats finding out the indisputable truth (and crashing to the gym floor writhing in pain) by way of a scheduled MRI and knee brace...

I Didn't Want To Hear That

Here is something you NEVER want to hear your three year-old say....

Amelia: "Do you know what me and [friend's name removed to protect their identity] did at school today?".

Me: "I have no idea, baby girl. What did you do?"

Amelia: "We licked the wall."

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pay the Price

This is a picture of cold hard cash.  Not just random cold hard cash, but money directly from Amelia's savings. Why in the world does she have her money out on the table? Great question. Allow me to tell you. You see, Amelia thought it was a good idea to pull up the flowers in her school's flower bed today. As you may expect, this is the kind of vandalism that lands you on yellow for the day. We don't accept yellows. So, in an effort to explain to Amelia why we don't destroy other people's things, we are making her take some of her own money to school tomorrow to repay them for their flowers. Since she doesn't understand value and this is more of a moral play, I felt the pain of pulling out 10 individual dimes was enough punishment. As for actually replacing the flowers, I'm guessing a dollar won't do it so they'll have to pull it from the billion dollars they charge me in tuition each month. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Well, That Has To Be Moved

So, when you come across the image below, you will not only see that it is creepy as all hell when someone stares at you through a night vision monitor, but that it is a very bad thing when your child finally notices their baby monitor AND can stand up on their own. Shortly after this photo was taken, Ev-zilla ripped the monitor off the side of the crib and threw it on the ground. And now, I'm pretty sure I heard him and Sophie discussing his options for a privacy invasion lawsuit earlier today.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Good news, I just secured a BFF (despite the fact that she only says "mommy" in the video, she started the conversation about me, so I think we are both covered)


Monday, November 26, 2012


There are many perks when it comes to going to see your grandma...perhaps the greatest perk of all is that she pretends to believe you when you say "I've been wanting that cake all day" when you see her eating a slice. She also makes you feel like you are successfully being sneaky when in reality she wants you to have the cake more than you even want it for yourself and she was going to give you a slice whether you, or your parents, wanted her to.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

All Forms of Dance Welcome

While trying out our new home theater purchase, we were treated to a live dance show by both Everett and Amelia. Amelia is now in her third semester of ballet. To our knowledge, Everett has no formal dance training. For any concerned viewers, rest easy, no Everetts were harmed in the making of this video...Much like Ace Ventura, his mother has the reflexes of a cat and the speed of a mongoose.


Walking Tall

Everett has finally found a solution to the little issue he has with standing up on his own....just take your sister's dollhouse and ride that thing like you're King Kong.  So far, so good. The only issue we've run into is a vague video bomb from a slightly jealous sister.

New Toy

If you take a look at my lifeless looking daughter in the picture below, you may wonder many things. Did she slip and fall? Perhaps her dad finally lost it and put her in a sleeper hold? Is it possible to nap with your eyes open???

Well, the answer is this ... after watching Toy Story 1,2,and 3 about 500 times in the last week, Amelia has decided her new game is one where she pretends to be my toy...complete with requiring me to move her hands to help her drink, carry her around if I want her to move, and tug on her string (her hair) if I want her to talk. Ahhhhh, imagination is great...and maybe just a tiny bit of a pain in the rear.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Real Thanks

I just finished chatting on Facebook with my nephew who is stationed in Afghanistan. I have also recently exchanged e-mails with another nephew who is on a Navy ship somewhere in the Middle East.  While I'm grateful technology has made interaction possible, neither of them will be at Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. So, when you are saying all of your thank yous to commemorate the holiday, don't forget to send a special thanks to the men and women who won't be carving a turkey with their families so that you can safely carve one with yours.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm Not Ashamed

Sooooo, today I got out of work early and on my way home decided to make a last second change of, I went to the 3 o'clock on a Tuesday see Twilight. While I'm not proud of this, I'm not particularly ashamed either...even though I'm pretty sure the other 6 patrons in the theater kept waiting on my daughter or wife to walk through the door.

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's All in the Presentation

Ev after I told him we were going out to eat....

Ev after I explained it was at an All-You-Can-Drink Similac happy hour...

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Putting Amelia to bed at night is the same as how I imagine it is to try to shove a bobcat into a dog crate....if you loved the bobcat too much to tranquilize it or punch it in the face.  We try not to show it, but in all honesty, the screaming, crying, coughing, etc. jumps our blood pressure somewhere between 20 and 7000 points....every...single....night.

Sorry, Ev

Shortly after this picture was taken, I heard Sophie explaining to a very disappointed Everett that this is indeed not a catalog where you choose new parents.  She then proceeded to inform him that despite all her efforts, she has yet to find any loopholes to get a new set. Sorry,'re stuck with us.

Friday, November 16, 2012


With Meggan and the kids getting into a very slight fender bender on the way to school this morning, I have been reminded to appreciate every second you get with loved ones.  You have to share your love and passion with people at every opportunity. At the end of they day, our relationships are all we have in this life. Everything else, be it money, career, or possessions really just fill in the surrounding details of those relationships.  For us, it was a non-event collision...for somebody somewhere else, it wasn't.  I pray they've lived this way for a long time.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

One Week

Only one more week until we get to go see my family. While I hate the drive, I'm always excited to see them. This also marks the beginning of the time of year where Meggan and I will both get disproportionately upset about not living closer to family.  So, we'll pull up the map and try to find a good solution to where we could move. Then, we'll once again see there are no appropriate cities where we can both find jobs. So, we'll consider career changes. Then, we'll remember we can't move unless we sell our house. So, we'll look up the current value of our home... and cry. So, with moving out of the question, we'll try to figure out ways to get family to move closer to us.  Then, we'll remember they have 0.0% interest in doing such a thing. So, we'll feel hopeless and we'll get even more disproportionately upset about not living closer to family....then, we'll pull up the map and try to find a good solution to where we could move...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Watchful Eyes

Ev is still totally into me, but he is also softening his stance on Meggan. She might not be fully back in his good graces, but as you can see, he kept a watchful eye on all the fun she and big sister were having...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


You ever have a time in your life where your child tells you something and you want to believe them, but something in your gut just tells you they might not be telling you the whole truth?  I had one of those times tonight.  Amelia spent a few minutes away from us tonight and she claims during that time she in fact did NOT eat any of the Oreos we had out on the counter. I didn't count the Oreos before and after, so I can't prove she had any. However, my dad sense tells me to be suspicious. Why don't you be the judge....

Role Reversal

Today we witnessed the fastest, strongest turnaround in our relatively brief history as parents. For reasons not known to either of us, Everett decided that I was his favorite person on the planet and Meggan was as likable as a staph infection. It even got so bad that he cried and reached out for me any time she was holding him and I was in the room. The second I picked him up, he was completely happy again. This comes after 9 straight months of him not really giving a damn if I was a part of the household. Prior to today, I'm pretty sure if he could talk, he would have asked me when his real dad was coming home. I love Everett with all my heart, so it feels good to finally be liked. That said, the greatest part of this situation is that it is driving Meggan crazy. I mean...she REEAALLY hates it. While I know it is likely temporary, I'm going to enjoy it for as long as I can...or at least until I get tired of holding him all the time.

 Here is a picture of Ev happily climbing on me as Meggan longingly watches in the background....

Monday, November 12, 2012

Changing Faces

My little girl is getting older and older.  Here are her last three school pictures...

Assembly Line

Everett is nearly well...and Amelia has started coughing and sneezing....I swear it is like an assembly line of illness, CVS trips, and medical treatments around this house.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

To the Rescue

Kids have a funny sense of self importance.  Each time Amelia reminds me of this, it makes me feel like we're doing a pretty good job as parents. I take it as my personal mission to make sure both of my kids feel like they could run the country or save the world if they so desired. I'm hoping this leads them to the ability to chase their dreams with the only concern being the task at hand and not the fear of failure. And besides, it really cracks me up to see Amelia offer to fix the toilet or figure something out for me because "it's really tricky"...and she does this all the time.  Thus, what happened tonight came as no surprise. She and I were sharing a bowl of cereal downstairs (by sharing I mean she saw me eating a bowl of cereal, walked into the kitchen, grabbed a spoon and started eating out of my bowl without asking) and watching Everett when Meggan yelled down from upstairs that she had cut her hand.  Before I could even respond, Amelia had thrown her spoon down and had started running to the stairs.  I told her to stop running and come back.  Her response...."Daddy, you stay here with Ev, I have to go take care of mommy."  Phew, thank goodness we have a 3 year-old savior. I'm not sure how Meggan would have survived the cut without her.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Daughter is a Teenage Boy

Today, my sweet, beautiful daughter came running out of the hallway. I asked her what she was doing and she said:

"I tooted so big, it blew me out of the potty."

Yes, I was proud.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


This little dude is seriously under the weather.....

...we're hoping for a good night tonight and a better day tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


A small part of the reason we wanted to have another child was to force Amelia to have to share things and deal with the general issues that arise with not being the only child in the house. I think it is good to have to take turns and occasionally fight a little for what you want....Well, when it comes to the IPad, those days have already started...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Well, Amelia did her part as a voter today. I'm just not sure what election they had at school...

School Days

If only we were all as happy to go to work as Ev is to go to school...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Anniversary

If you can believe it, today is our 6 year wedding anniversary. Ours is your typical storybook romance - I was looking for someone who could help me create children with giant, blue eyes and she was looking for someone who could help her do her taxes.  As you may expect, we really took off from there.  If you ask me, we're a match made in Heaven. Like I routinely tell her, she's beautiful, smart, loving, honest, and sincere. And like she told me once, I'm somewhat funny for a guy with a stable income. So, I think when you put those pieces together, the puzzle becomes quite clear.

 In all seriousness, I love Meggan with all my heart. Not a single day goes by where I don't try to appreciate her to the fullest. Additionally, I do everything I can in an attempt to be a great husband...naturally, some days I'm more successful than others.  So far, we've gone through a move to a new city, the purchase of a home, and the birth of two wonderful children. Our relationship hasn't been the same through all those events, but that's marriage for you. It's a living, breathing thing that changes on a daily basis.  That said, it's been a near perfect 6 years for us and I truly hope there are decades upon decades more in our future... And she's told me that unless Luke Bryan comes calling, I'll probably suffice. So, I think we have a real shot.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Time Change

Here is how the Fall time change sounds to the following subsets of people...

Children - An hour less of sunlight after school? Laaaaaame!

College Kids - Wait, so Last Call and the time change both technically happen at 2:00am. Mind = blown.

Single People - Oh, it's so great to get an extra hour of sleep in the morning.

Parents of small children - Oh, holy hell, Everett and Amelia will now wake us up at 4:45, nap time is screwed, and they'll never be able to stay up late enough to get back on track. The space time continuum is forever broken. We should move to Arizona to avoid this whole time change issue.

Retired People - Who cares about the time change? I just need to know my tee time.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nice Day

Today was what Saturdays were meant for ... it included paintball, ballet, college football, pedicures, haircuts, new hats, and pizza.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Chatty Man

I wish I woke up this happy..


Thursday, November 1, 2012

We Have a Problem

Things are great in our house, but they aren't perfect. I know perfect isn't really attainable, but we have a glaring problem staring us down. It isn't exactly a health issue. It isn't exactly a behavior issue. That said, I think it is some form of combination of the two. You see, I don't know any other way to say this, Amelia is a chronic farter. Now, I know some of you will get on me for sharing too much information about her bathroom habits. However, I'm not sure how you call them bathroom habits when she rarely does them in the bathroom. Also, I'm pretty sure she'd be proud I am sharing this fact. That is part of the problem - she is so happy with herself when she lets it rip. I've mentioned her gassy exploits on here before, but those are nothing compared to the last month or so. I can't tell you the last day I haven't heard her do it at least 5 blatant times (keep in mind I only see her for a few hours on school days). In case you don't hear her, she'll announce it with a loud "TOOOOT". If she has time, she'll do like she did tonight...make me think she is coming to sit on my lap only to give me a surprise crop dusting and run away. We've never shown her these things. We try not to make a big deal of it or encourage it with laughter.  Meggan and I have tried everything we know to get her to be more private, more polite, and frankly more selective on her timing. For our efforts, we were rewarded with a her grandparents letting us know we are raising the gassiest little girl around when we got back from our vacation.  I suppose it could be Everett....who barfs more than any baby in history.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Considering it is 7:45 on Halloween night and I've already been asked by multiple people where the Halloween pictures are, I figured I'd better throw some on here quickly...