Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year

Every year, I set a series of New Year's resolutions.  In general, I probably keep about a third of them.  I probably give about a third of them a decent effort. The last third are probably broken by January 2nd.  Rather than go over all my successes and failures, I figured I just hit one of each....after all, in a year in which your son is born, all the little crap you do on a daily basis is really insignificant.

Biggest Miss -
I set out to take a little time each day to stretch. I'm horribly inflexible and I'm not getting any younger. So, how did I do on this resolution? Well, I can remember stretching roughly 3 times last year...once when the remote was juuuuust out of reach, once when the Oreos were on the top shelf, and once when I dropped my cell phone and it bounced under my car. As evidenced by my torn ACL, I apparently needed to stretch at least one more time. Oh well, I'm guessing this year will be better.

Biggest Hit -
I set a goal of reading 12 books last year. Now, for some of you, 12 books is a good summer reading list. For others (and you know who you are) this blog is the closest thing to a book you've read since high school. While I don't fall into either of those extremes, a book per month while having an infant in the house was not a given. So, how did I do? I just finished book #17 tonight...and no, none of them were 50 Shades of Grey.

I haven't finished my list of resolutions for this year. Considering it is after 9pm. on New Year's Eve, maybe I should consider putting "stop procrastinating" at the top of the list.

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