Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Simple Plan

 I am fortunately getting my 2nd COVID vaccine shot tomorrow.  While I'm not afraid of needles, arm pain, slight flu symptoms, etc., I am deathly afraid of the unknown.  What if I have a reaction??? What if I feel awful for days afterwards??? What if I'm the first person whose arm rots off after the shot????  In seeking to calm any worries I have, I sought the advice of the least stressed person I know .... my man, Everett.  

Me: "Hey bud, you gonna take care of me after I get my shot tomorrow?"

Ev: "If you need me to, but I think you'll be fine."

Me: "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'll probably just feel tired."

Ev: "You just get your shot, lay down on the couch, turn on a violent movie like Indiana Jones, call it an early night, hit the hay, snooze, and when you wake up, you'll be all good and ready to go on a date."  

Me: "Good plan, bud."

Ev: "That's what I would do."

So, as you can see, my relaxation guru has it all figured out.  Sure, he doesn't understand the vaccine takes a few weeks and that I my goal isn't necessarily to be ready to go on a date....but, no need to get caught up in the details.  


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