Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Too much?

We generally try to monitor Mia's time in front of the television. I believe, technically, she isn't supposed to be watching ANY TV. However, while I really don't want her to develop any attention disorders because of it, at times it is the only life preserver we have when we are drowning as parents. There is no better distraction when Meggan is working and I am trying to cook while being outnumbered 2 to 1 by Sophie and Mia. I would say, in general, she doesn't watch more than 1 complete episode of Sesame Street on any given day. That said, I am really, really starting to worry that she has become an addict. It was bad enough when she started saying "Big Bird" every time she saw a TV. If that was bad, last night was rock bottom. She is suffering from a very bad cough. So, sleeping was quite an adventure. She got stuck in a vicious cycle of coughing, crying, waking up, falling asleep, coughing, crying..... it finally got to the point where the "falling back to sleep" portion was not happening. Meggan and I were in her room giving her honey, water, and anything else we could think of to stop a cough. And, just as Mia is finally falling in and out of sleep, she wakes up and starts saying "Elmo, Elmo, Elmo, Elmo". So, somehow in the middle of the night, my little munchkin is coughing her head off in a semi-conscious state of wake and all she can think about is going downstairs to watch Sesame Street. This came on the heels of her literally begging me to listen to an Elmo CD in the car on the way to school "Elmo...Elmo...peas peas peas peas (AKA please please please please)". So, I'm no expert, but I am thinking when the first thing your daughter says in the morning and the last thing she says at night has to do with Sesame Street...you have a problem.

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