Sunday, August 30, 2015

Little Helper

Amelia made this note for her brother at church today. The inside simply say "Thank You". She said she wanted to thank him for making her a better person. I'm not exactly sure how he's accomplished that feat, but if she believes it, I support it.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Camping In

It's not exactly the wilderness, but trust me, watching a movie while laying on hardwood floors can be considered roughing it.  At least I had these two and their sleeping bags to keep me comfy...

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Back to School

If I am going solo parent with the kids at IHOP, it can mean only one thing... school is back in session and Meggan is back to working nights...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Running Wild

Tonight I got the chance to play with the kids and get a glimpse into their imaginations. I had hoped for the best, but anticipated a fairly mundane game of pretend where we played princesses or cars. Instead, within five minutes, Ev had turned me into a hamburger with magical powers from his horses Leeressa Brownie and Pinky Spider-Man and I was being eaten alive by Amelia's horse, Elastic Heart.  So, you may think you want to know what's running through their minds, but you'd better be careful what you ask for. It might get a little weird.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Amelia likes having her back scratched. In fact, she doesn't really go to sleep at night without it.  As I was helping her go to sleep tonight, I started thinking back on our nights together.  I figure over the course of her life, I have spent an average of 15 minutes per night (i.e. the nights I have not spent with her are offset by nights I've spent 30 minutes or more) scratching her back.   So, at 15 minutes per night for 6.5 years, I have spent roughly 570 hours, or 24 days, scratching her back.  Considering she's getting bigger and won't want me in there much longer, I don't regret a second of it.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

New Spot

Well, it didn't take us long to figure out a good use for our new over-sized chair...

Saturday, August 22, 2015

How you know

Here's how you know The Incredibles on the tv behind you is far more interesting than anything you're saying....

 and here's how you know you're having a good day as a kid - you followed up a frozen yogurt with making homemade ice cream...

Friday, August 21, 2015

Active Lifestyle

We are not one of those families that are always on the go. In fact, we get a little stressed when we have a birthday party to attend.  However, for some reason, we are loading up our plates.  I have helped create two short films in the last month. The kids are both in swimming lessons, Everett is signing up for soccer. Amelia is starting yoga and theater in a few weeks...and now she wants to sign up for karate so we can "stop paying for our alarm system".

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Great news, I found the missing head from our statue..... bad news, it looks like a creepy message from Meggan laying on my pillow.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

1st Day Jitters

Amelia walked into first grade today a kid so nervous she didn't even notice her friends saying hello to her in the hallway.  She walked out of first grade a happy kid who has the "nicest teacher ever" and who had a great day.  What a difference a day makes.

1st Day

Today was Amelia's first day of first grade. I thought she looked beautiful, excited, and ready to take on anything that came her way...

Her brother was a little less impressed....

Monday, August 17, 2015

Strange Bedfellows

I know who is going to be in my bed with me each night - Meggan and Sophie.  However, I never really know who I am going to wake up with each morning...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Self Taught

Everett told his mom at dinner tonight that "he is not a cooker" and "he is a man, so he doesn't cook".  I'm not entirely sure who is teaching him these things.  Considering I do cook and he apparently thinks men don't cook, the only logical thing I can assume is that he thinks he is a man and I am not.  So, I have that going for me.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Old Age

This is how Sophie spends most of her days in her old age ... nodding off on the back of the couch, resting up for her next nap.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Camp MawMaw

Amelia has been spending this week at home with her grandmother.  So far, they've purchased two bags of candy, spent one entire day in their pajamas, scratched a boatload of lottery tickets, called everyone they know a few times, and worked on multiple arts and crafts. I'm not sure it has been a blast for Maw Maw, but Amelia is in heaven.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Not So Sick

Does this look like the face of a little guy who needs to go to the doctor? Yeah, the doctor didn't think so either. Oh well, I guess that's what we get for trusting the word of a 3 year-old when he says he has "junk" in his ears. Healthy ears. Healthy nose. Healthy throat. Healthy teeth. Healthy Everett.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Going Hard

When Everett falls out twice in one day, you know he's been going hard for a while and he has some serious napping to catch up on....

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Willing Love

For almost 9 years, Meggan and I have had a little statue of a man and woman that symbolizes our loving relationship with one another.  Coincidentally, today happens to be the day we met with an attorney to discuss our will and beneficiaries and also the day I happened to notice the little man figurine now has his head chopped off.  I think Meggan may be trying to send me some sort of voodoo message.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


I'm not sure if Grandpa's hot dog cart made money today with his part time workers eating all his inventory...

Monday, August 3, 2015


Amelia has recently picked up a new hobby.  She now really enjoys watching magic.  In fact, she recently told me "magic is so our thing' while we were watching Penn and Teller on TV.  While I'm not sure magic is our thing, per se, I do enjoy watching her perform her own magic shows (even if her tricks aren't exactly mind blowing....yet)

Magic in process. Do not come in....

Sunday, August 2, 2015


We made a trip down to Grandma and Grandpa's house this weekend. It was filled with the usual fun, but this was the first time we put the kids to work visiting the peanut farm.  They were both hard workers and more than earned their keep....