Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bed Bugs

They argue over who brushes their teeth first. They race each other up the stairs for bath time.  Amelia hates it when Everett calls her "Mimi" in front of her friends at school.  Everett hates it when Amelia turns on her silly TV shows.  The wrestle on a routine basis.  Yet, once they shut it all down and think nobody's find them snuggled into a pretzel where they fell asleep keeping each other safe from the monsters under the bed....

Monday, November 27, 2017


Hello!  My dad just taught me how to use the blog.  So, some of the future post will be made by me, Amelia.  I can't wait!  Have a great night!  And lets stay on track 27 more days until Christmas!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Back Online

We returned home tonight from an incredible 9 day trip. I completely unplugged from work, from the blog, from planning our move, etc.  We saw about 90% of the people closest to us in this world.    We slept in 5 different beds.  We snuggled 6 different dogs.  We went to a college football game.  We went through the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  We explored all the Magic Kingdom had to offer.  We went on safari at Animal Kingdom.  We ate everything we saw.  We learned Everett loves roller coasters.  We were reminded that Amelia is just as happy hanging out on a couch with family as she is at any amusement park....  Most importantly, we survived spending just about every minute of every day for over a week together....and I think we still kind of liked each other at the end of it.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Less than 24 hours away from leaving for our Disney/Universal trip.... here's to hoping neither kid's head literally pops off their body with excitement.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Worker Bees

Child labor at its finest....

Friday, November 10, 2017


This little guy came wandering down the street today.  Since he was by himself and didn't have a collar, we brought him to our house to hang out until we could find his family.  He was a perfect gentleman.  He accepted rubs from anyone who looked his way and despite his apparent age, he couldn't stop chasing the tennis ball.  After a little less than an hour, we found his owner frantically yelling for him down the street.  It turns out his name is Vladimir.  It also turns out he made me badly want a dog. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Time Off

A few weeks ago, we instituted a "No IPad on weekdays" rule.  This came as a result of both kids becoming addicted to some dragon game.  They played in the morning. They played in the night. They talked about it when they weren't playing. This has not been a popular rule change as exemplified by Everett's behavior last night when he was reminded he wasn't allowed to play.  He looked at us, set down his IPad, and yelled "WHY DO WE HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS?!?!"

Monday, November 6, 2017

In the Books

Another soccer season in the books.....another medal around the neck...another smile on the face....

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Today included coaching Everett's last soccer game, spending two hours in a trampoline park for a birthday party, rescuing a lost 15 year-old dog from a busy road, spending two hours at a horse farm for a different birthday party, and doing a little work on our new house.  So, tonight when Meggan and I got the chance to get a sitter and have a relaxing dinner together, we enjoyed every single second of it.  Now, if we can just find a sitter for 2 or 3 days, we can get the break we really need.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


This is the look of a guy who went to bed so proud of himself for finally trick or treating at the "scary house" only to find himself in his parents' bed a few hours later thanks to bad dreams...oh well, at least he tried....