Sunday, April 29, 2018

Life Size

The kids' school just built an expansive new building on campus.  As luck would have it, Amelia ended up in a giant, shiny wall mural... of course, with as adorable as she is, how can I blame them for using her picture??  

Friday, April 27, 2018

Getting Hot

It's been one of those weeks .... I worked until 1a.m. one night and 11p.m. another night, both of our air conditioners in our house are broken, and Tucker had to finish animal control-ordered quarantine.....and now, for the fworst news, I didn't get drafted in the NFL draft for the 21st year in a row.  Everett and I had really been working on my skills too.  Oh well, there's always next year.

Monday, April 23, 2018


Sometimes when you say take a little off the sides, they take a lot off the sides.....and the back...and the top....luckily, when you're a handsome fella who smiles with your eyes, you make any haircut look good...

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Best Medicine

Sometimes as a parent, the only medicine you need after a long, hard day is to sneak a glimpse of your two favorite people having a snugglefest to make it all right again...

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

School Days

I had the pleasure of visiting Everett's class recently.  We made a craft.  We petted a shark and a stingray in the touch tank (which is so deep it is impossible to keep your sleeves dry).  We even had donuts.  Honestly, it made me wish I was back in Kindergarten....and from the smile on Ev's face, I think he'd welcome me to his class...

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Dig It

With the weather about as perfect as it gets, we decided to plant our garden today.  The kids put in tomatoes, peppers, and herbs.  I was very proud of their efforts.....not so much their photo shoot style...

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Al Fresco

What better way to enjoy the lovely weather than a couple happy meals with a couple happy kids out on the porch?

Sunday, April 8, 2018


I brought the kids with me to Lowe's so they could help me find some things to start our garden...a garden they want to do about 1,000 times more than I do.  This is the only thing they found...I hope it isn't a foreshadowing of their work ethic....

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Set Up

As luck would have it, they are filming a movie in the small town where Meggan is from.  I'm not sure how they picked the location, but it is a big deal in the I'm sure it is in every small town Will Smith shows up to.  While filming started the day after the kids left, they were able to visit the set and see the spectacle...

A fake store rigged up with breakable glass, etc. for an action scene...

Ev was less impressed with the old building converted into a hardware store....

Closed set??? I'm sure Will and Clive Owen would want to meet Amelia and Ev...

Monday, April 2, 2018

Driver's Seat

When Meggan and I showed up to pick up the kids, we were greeted by Grandpa and Everett riding down the dirt road in the Mule....which Everett learned how to drive on his own this could consider me shocked when he hopped in, cranked it up, and took me for a ride...

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

I can't think of a better way to wrap up a great Spring Break than to celebrate Easter down at Grandma and Grandpa's with these two beautiful kids...