Tuesday, July 28, 2020


You never realize how fast time flies until you become a parent.  Then, you close your eyes for a minute one day and this....

 turns into this...

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

In It Together

What does this low quality, seemingly useless picture tell you about our family?  Everything.  After a medical procedure, Meggan essentially had to walk off the pain as part of her recovery.  This picture is of Everett and Amelia, each with a dog in hand, creating a conga line behind Meggan to cheer her up as she walked laps around the house...and it's blurry because I took it as the caboose of the line, using my phone to blare Miami Sound Machine.  This picture means very little to anyone outside my house. But, to us, it shows that when one of us is down, the rest of us are here to help them back up...

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Some More

You know what they say....when life hands you marshmallows and chocolate, make s'mores.  I can't remember the exact phrase, but you know .....

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Welcoming Party

Thanks to COVID, we don't get out of the house much these days.....but, when we do, we're lucky to have this welcoming party/security detail to come home to....

Saturday, July 11, 2020


This picture pretty much symbolizes the kids right now.  Everett, dancing and acting crazy trying to make everyone laugh.  Amelia, laughing, but burying her face in the shame only an adolescent can fully exemplify. 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Pulse Check

In case you're wondering why there haven't been any posts in the past few days.... it's because I've worked until midnight each day this week,  Meggan has been as busy as can be, the kids are basically raising themselves via Youtube videos and fruit snacks, and the dogs haven't yet learned how to type.  Oh well, at least we're all healthy....and these days, that isn't a guarantee.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Free Time

Thanks to social distancing, I've had more time to do work around the house.  Thanks to having more time to work around the house, I got to see water shoot 15 feet into the air in my back yard.  As it turns out, shovels and irrigation pipes do not have a healthy relationship...

 Luckily, I was able to patch things up a bit...

Thursday, July 2, 2020


Lucy has figured out she likes the clumps of grass we're digging up in our yard.  That said, I don't think she's quite figured out that her tiny paws aren't going to protect her loot if one of us really wants to take it from her...