Saturday, April 29, 2023

Finish Line

 I always knew being a parent and having any sort of demanding career or extracurricular activities was going to stress on our daily schedules.  However, what I didn't factor in was at times, we're all going at once.  For instance, over the past few months our schedule has been - 

Monday - Amelia track practice, Everett lacrosse practice

Tuesday - Amelia piano lessons

Wednesday - Amelia track practice, Everett lacrosse practice, Meggan bible study group

Thursday - Amelia track practice, Everett soccer practice

Friday - eat mexican food, collapse in a ball of exhaustion, and sleep

Saturday - Everett soccer games

Sunday - Everett lacrosse games (normally 2 games) 

This schedule doesn't factor in track meets, which are on various days and last 3-4 hours each.  It also doesn't include the hour or two I work after bedtime most days or the night/weekend events Meggan does for her job.  Make no mistake, we are blessed and we appreciate every second of it.  I'm just saying a little break will be welcomed.  Luckily, this beautiful runner just ran her last track meet of the season...


Saturday, April 15, 2023

Road Trip

I recently had to take a trip to Philadelphia for work.  It was my first time in the city of brotherly love.  Considering my disdain for flying led me to drive, it was also my first time in Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.  Each place had their own offerings.  Virginia had rolling hills and beautiful trees.  Maryland had its charming waterfront towns.  Philly had the footsteps of our forefathers lurking around every corner.  As for Delaware ... ummm, did I mention how pretty Virginia was?  Hundreds of miles driven, hours upon hours of sightseeing, days traveled through several cities and states ....and here is the one picture I have to commemorate my trip...

Hey, lay off. The Liberty Bell was cool, but this guy beat Ivan Drago....