Friday, December 31, 2010

All Grown Up

Apparently, despite her diminutive appearance, the largely padded diaper, and the occasional presence of a pacifier, Mia is no longer a baby. She has turned into a full fledged "Little Kid". She eats at her own little table instead of a high chair or booster seat. She knows enough words to mostly let you know what she wants....and has enough attitude to FULLY let you know when she wants it. And today, she got to just go outside and play. Now, we take her outside and let her run around some, but this was different. This was following her two older cousins out into the yard to be a kid. Sure, she was still under supervision, but it wasn't really needed and it certainly wasn't noticed by her. She was by far more concerned with what her cousin Allyson and the dogs were doing than anything Meggan or I were up to. I know this is all normal and I'm sure her grandparents enjoyed watching it. However, I'm just not sure I like it. Dads need to be needed too, you know.

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