Friday, December 12, 2014

Looking Forward

Seeing those pictures and videos from nearly 3 years ago only helped me realize how big the kids are getting. Then, seeing them both at their schools yesterday made me realize they are both much bigger than I thought.

First, Amelia now gets dropped off at a school that has kids 3 times her age and doesn't miss a beat. There is no more walking her to her class and hugging her goodbye.  You simply pull up to the front of the school and she hops out, straps on her gargantuan backpack, and heads off into the distance.  I'm equal parts proud of her and horrified at how fast she is growing.  It won't be long until I'm dropping her off at her first middle school dance, date at the movies, or first day of college.

Secondly, despite being over a month away from his birthday, Everett has already been transitioned to the 3 year-old class at school.  To make matters worse, before they separate classes in the mornings, we have to drop him off with kids in the 4 year-old room. A few days ago, he was one of the older kids in his class. Now, my little man is now surrounded by kids who probably shave before they go to school.

I know kids grow. I know I can't stop this or even slow it down. I also know I don't like it. 

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