Thursday, June 30, 2016


The kids love the xbox. They'd play with the IPad for hours if we let them.  They can work a cell phone like nobody's business. That said, none of those things can come close to fascinating them like tonight when I simply shined a light through Everett's finger.  I can only imagine it was the same response the first humans had when they invented fire.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Countdown to Vacation

Before vacation can officially start, we have .....3 days until we leave for Florida ... 2 trips to "big kid" camp for Everett .... 1 magical rendition of "Annie" for Amelia to showcase her acting talents. I can't wait

Monday, June 27, 2016

Big Time

Ev finally hit the big time at his big sister's school.  His camp was for kids heading into TK all the way through kids heading into 5th grade.  Did he let that intimidate him? Not a chance. He waltzed in feeling like a million bucks... even if he was history's smallest big man on campus...

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Everett starts camp at Amelia's school tomorrow. It will be another year before he fully enrolls there, but that didn't stop us from making the major decision of which backpack to buy or Amelia from worrying how he is going figure out how to buy lunch. For the record, Everett didn't seem the least bit concerned about either of these things.  We'll see how it goes!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

No Retreat

We fought like warriors..

We feasted like royalty (royalty eats s'mores, right?)...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

One Crust Up

Amelia liked her pizza so much she decided to give up two thumbs up...or one thumb and one crust up....

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


We're at the point now where the promise of a milkshake gets you excitement, two thumbs up, and all the good behavior you want...

Monday, June 20, 2016


Through morning cartoons and a shared love of blankets, Everett and Sophie have become great buddies.  They used to just sit near each other. Then, they graduated to a random petting here or there. Now, they go for the full two-handed snuggle...

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Big Day

Today was a great day.  Sure, it was Father's Day and that was nice. However, the big news of the day is Amelia finally found the courage to go down the water slide at the pool.  This has been two summers in the making. The best she'd done prior to today was to go to the top of the slide and then climb back down crying.  The final kicker that pushed her over the edge?  We offered her a giant ice cream sundae all to herself (the four of us normally split it).  

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Student of the Month

One of my favorite things about Everett's school is the app we have that allows teachers to upload pictures throughout the day.  It makes me so proud any time I see him working on art or sitting happily while listening to a good book.  It's nice to see he is such an eager learner and model student.  Sometimes it surprises me that a 4 year-old could be so mature.  I know it may seem like I look at these pictures through the biased lens of a dad. So, for proof, I submit today's picture.  I mean, I think it's pretty obvious we need to start deciding between Harvard and Yale...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Remember when your four year-old said he saw a bug in the laundry room, but you couldn't find it? Then, remember when you thought it was funny that he responded "a crab" when you asked him what type of bug? Remember when your wife found out later that night that "crab" meant "scorpion" and it stung her in your bed? Remember when you beat a scorpion to death like a crazy man using the Giver of Television Life, a.k.a. a remote control? Yeah, well, I do....and I'm quite certain Meggan does too.

Sunday, June 12, 2016


I asked Ev to give me a handsome smile so I could send a picture of his new haircut to his mom. This is what he gave me.....

Saturday, June 11, 2016


This is what a ride home from Grandma and Grandpa's looks like...

Friday, June 10, 2016

What a Ride

After spending a few days playing in the pool and splashing in the ocean, the kids got to take a ride on a ferry this morning. I think it is safe to say they are going to have a long ride back down to Earth when they get home tomorrow....

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Good Day

When your day starts with this view....

and ends with hot donuts......

it was a good day.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


I'm missing my donut eating partner badly. That said, I'm sure he's getting more than his share of donuts without me this week...

Monday, June 6, 2016

Another One Bites the Dust

Day one at Grandma and Grandpa's brought the surprise of another missing tooth... apparently, eating fresh corn on the cob with a loose tooth is not a great idea....

Sunday, June 5, 2016


We came home from dropping the kids off at their grandparents' house to this note on our chalkboard...

"We miss you and love you with every piece of our hearts! Love, Amelia"

This certainly doesn't make us miss the kids any less.

Friday, June 3, 2016

All Figured Out

Today, after the car next to us revved its engine and sped away, Amelia showed me that men are so simple that 7 year-olds have them figured out...

Me: Did you guys think that loud engine was cool?

Everett: I did!!

Amelia: I didn't. He's probably just showing off to try to get a mate.

Me:  Ha ha. You might be right.

Amelia: And then when he finds one, he'll say (in her deepest voice) "hey, chica, you want some of this?"

Me: The answer to that should always be "No".

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Big Year

What a difference a year makes...

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


The other day, Amelia asked me to draw some artwork with her.  She came up with the idea that we would draw things and Meggan and Everett could come to our art store and buy them.  She sold a drawing of hers to her mom for $1 and a drawing of mine to her brother for $1 (a dollar I had to give him).  Everett, liking this concept, decided to set up a toy store where he would sell his toys (which happened to be any random household object).  I ended up negotiating the purchase of a flashlight for the hefty price of 5 quarters.  So, all told, I essentially paid $1 for a drawing I drew and $1.25 for my own flashlight.   At what point have you switched from deciding to teach your kids about hard work and the value of a dollar to your kids teaching you that they are indeed con artists?