Thursday, June 22, 2017

Well, He Does Have a Point

Tonight, Everett was recounting what happened at school today when he mentioned he got punched in the lip.  This obviously required some explanation.  After some prodding, he went into detail about how one kid punched him in line for no reason.  He returned the favor.  Then, another kid punched him in the lip. Finally, his best buddy punched that kid in the back before all was stopped.  For his first ever fight, or as his teacher put it, "skirmish", it sounded like he's no worse for the wear. As a dad, I want to help him find other ways to handle that situation....but, at the same time, I agree with his simple summary of the event (when I told him we don't hit people)..... "I had to. It's called protecting yourself, dude."


  1. Truth on Ev's part and props to Ford for having his back ๐Ÿ‘Š

  2. Truth on Ev's part and props to Ford for having his back ๐Ÿ‘Š
