Friday, August 28, 2020

IT Guy

 I feel like one thing this whole quarantine/shelter in place/remote learning has brought to light is the fact that i am no longer technologically savvy.  Now, at no point in my life was I on the brink of working in the IT department.  That said, I could hold my own when it came to the basics.  At this point, it is safe to say I have no idea what 50% of any given technical specs, installation instructions, or technical support staff says.  I was trying to buy a new WiFi system for our house (to go along with the new computer and new printer we've already purchased for remote learning) and looking at all the options was the equivalent of looking at a random page of a medical journal.  I just picked the one with decent reviews on the assumption those people have some idea of what they're talking about.  The system showed up at the house today and now I'm trying to figure out what is making me feel older/more out of touch .... the fact that I spent an hour today unsuccessfully trying to get HULU working so I could watch M*A*S*H or the fact that I am typing this through my phone because I lost all WiFi by unsuccessfully setting up the system....or the fact that I just saw Macaulay Culkin turned 40 years old...yep, that's the winner. 

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