Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tuesday Nights

I've always felt, when picking a significant other, the most important thing was to simply find someone you enjoyed spending Tuesday nights with. It's easy to find someone you enjoy going out with on weekends, going with on vacation, and even someone with whom you enjoy spending the holidays. However, if you can find someone you enjoy on a regular night - when you aren't doing anything but hanging around the house, you both have to work the next day, and neither of you is dressed in your nice clothes - you stick with them. And if you can somehow still find this person attractive if they are either sick or or wearing their "comfy" clothes, you marry them. This theory may not work out for everyone, but it certainly has for me...which is why I took the picture below even though I'm sure Meggan hates it and most people would say it's terrible because she isn't even looking at the camera. To me, this picture is our Tuesday up, glasses on, baking cookies, and laughing at each other (or the kids)...and I love everything about it.

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