Saturday, July 27, 2013

She's Tricky

Every time I think I am getting one over on Amelia, she regroups, and comes back at me. Last night, I made her a pretty sweet deal. I told her for every night she stayed in her bed, or more importantly, stayed out of mine, I'd put one paper dollar in her money jar. Now, keep in mind, she doesn't understand the value of money, but she does know that "paper" money is where the action is. I wasn't entirely hopeful since she has repeatedly told me she is going to sneak into our bed in the middle of the night until she is FIFTEEN years old (and I'm starting to believe her). Well, in our first attempt, she failed miserably as she came to snuggle before midnight. So, tonight I've been trying to pump up her confidence and build some momentum for our deal.  I told her all the things she could buy with her dollar. I told her how proud of her I would be. I even told her to ask Jesus for help during our prayers. I felt I had covered everything. However, the one thing I didn't count on was how sharp she is.  She started her prayers and for a brief moment, I thought I had finally gotten through to her...and then she said this.... "Dear Jesus, please help my mom and dad give me paper money even when I come into their bed..." So, while she did technically ask Jesus for help, she chose to ask him to change me rather than to help her change herself. Savvy.


  1. You are being outsmarted by a four yr old. Lol

  2. There are battles and there are wars...I've won more battles than I've lost and the war is FAR from over.
