Tuesday, October 14, 2014


How do you teach your children to laugh at themselves? The line between embarrassing and funny is razor thin.  Without going into all the details, I'll just let you know Amelia fell into the toilet tonight. She wasn't hurt. She ended up splashed down in the water, folded like a taco, with her legs straight up in the air...and it was hilarious. Well, it was hilarious to us. She cried because she was embarrassed.  It wasn't that she didn't see the humor in the situation. She admitted it would have been sooo funny if it happened to me.  She simply didn't like being laughed at and there was no way she was going to laugh with us about it.  We tried and tried to explain that life is much better when you can laugh at the silly things.  In the end, she calmed down, but she she never accepted the comedy of it all. I'm wondering if this is something that comes with age or just something you're born with.  To me, I think being able to laugh at yourself is one of most singularly important virtues to a happy existence. To her, I was just her jerk dad laughing at her misfortune.

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