Saturday, April 2, 2016


Here are Everett's two crowning achievements for today...

This morning, he burst into our room in an excited, hurried fashion. He was so proud of himself, he could barely get out the words. Once he composed himself a bit, we were able to make out what he was saying... "I just did a HUUUUGE stinky. You have to come see this!!".  He ran around the house and found Amelia to tell her the same. He wouldn't stand for us doing anything other than coming to see his handy work. Keep in mind, this is a kid who has been potty trained for over a year. He wasn't celebrating being a big boy, he was celebrating pooping like a Sasquatch. If it weren't for the fact that his effort was the most impressive potty work I've seen in years, I'd have taken it a little worse.

This afternoon, after he had another potty break at a furniture store (on a side note, I think this little guy is literally trying to poop in every public restroom in the Southeast), I heard him howling with laughter from inside the stall.  I go inside to see what's tickled his funny bone and he's standing there half naked having just realized he's been wearing two pair of underwear all day long. So, it took him 5 hours and 3 trips to the potty to realize he'd wedged himself into not only his way too small Spiderman underwear, but also into an additional pair of firetruck underwear below those.

Boys, they're just different.

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