Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Game Over

With the kids gone, the dogs get a little more of our attention.  We set up a little pool and a spinning sprinkler in the back yard for them.  Sophie wanted absolutely nothing to do with any of it. Teddy, however, is always game.  That said, after the spinning sprinkler sprayed him one too many times, he took matters into his own paws....

First, he tried to relocate the evil monster....

 Then, when that didn't work, he had no choice but to behead it...

Sunday, May 28, 2017


What's that sound? Oh, that is the sound of peace and quiet. The kids are down at their grandparents' house for the week.  That means Meggan and I were able to sleep in, eat wherever we wanted, and even start binge watching a TV show....with bad words in it. Look out world, we're livin' now!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Last Day

Tomorrow is Amelia's last day of 2nd grade. That is hard for me to imagine even as I type it.  I'm sure parents go through this sort of disconnect all the time.  I see she's getting taller.  I see she's doing awesome in school.  I see she's developed a sense of humor that makes adults laugh with her instead of at her.  I just watched her get up on stage and perform a piano solo.  I've watched her take such care and show such concern over Everett that I've named her "Little Mama".  Yet, I can't quite grasp that she's halfway through elementary school.  She's nearing an age of boys, cell phones, and other teenage issues at an alarming rate and I don't like it.  I know she'll always be my "baby", but I sure do miss the days when she was an actual baby.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


I spent yesterday afternoon painting with the kids.  We all had a good time, but Everett was especially proud of his efforts. I don't want to give away who painted which painting, but I will say Everett's is the "beach with trees, balls, people, dogs, shells, sun, and a turtle"

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Good Behavior

It might seem like a small step, but this guy has been left out of his crate during bath/bedtime all week and so far he hasn't eaten the couch. In fact, he hasn't eaten any more tables, walls, or remote controls either.  Obviously, he's angling to be left out all day so he can make the hardwoods his chew toy.  That said, while I'm not dumb enough to do that, I'm happy he's making the best of his free time for good behavior...

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Looking Up

We got to stop by Amelia's school today so she could perform in her piano recital.  This means we also got a chance to show Everett around his future Kindergarten stomping ground.  Both were awesome. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017


Everett is one of the lucky people who have a true best buddy.  They've been in the same class since they were 12 weeks old.  They've played on the same basketball team.  They've played on the same soccer team.  They've had numerous sleepovers.  Everett has even offered to let him move in with us.  If they are in the same location, this is about as far apart as you'll see them...

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Growing Closer

While Teddy still has a long way to go, he is making strides.  A month ago, he would have been chewing on Amelia in this picture....

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day

Today was different.  For 37 years, Mother's Day was a day of celebration. This year, it still had that flair in my house and with my kids. Meggan is an amazing mother and she deserves the greatest day a person can have.  I did my best to make that happen (and I think I had some level of success).  That said, it would be disingenuous to say a small piece of my heart wasn't elsewhere.  The first Mother's Day without my mom was tougher than I thought it would be. I can't express how much I miss her.  Despite my best efforts, sadness and tears crept in on more than a few occasions. By the end of the day, the sadness of missing my mom and the wild appreciation for my wife had merged into a new kind of Mother's Day for me. From here out, it will be a day of celebrating the future with my wonderful wife and kids AND a day of remembrance and appreciation for the 37 years I was given with my mom.

Friday, May 12, 2017

No-Sleep Over

Everett is hosting his first ever sleepover with a buddy.  Two 5 year-old boys, a wild mini-horse of a puppy, a slightly jealous 8 year-old girl, and 2 parents coming off stressful work weeks....what could go wrong?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Some Days

There are days as a parent where you almost feel like you're going to burst from the pride you feel for your kids.  They may do great on a test, score a goal in soccer, or help a friend in need. Other days, you find out they farted on their teacher's lap as she was kindly holding them at nap time.  Thanks to Everett, we had the second kind of day today...and he couldn't think it's funnier.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Mia the Monkey

Amelia was off by herself for an hour or so the other day.  She came back with her sketchbook filled with 7 pages of sketches. They were called The Dress Up Friends.  It was a series of different animals that each had a special power. For instance, she had a dinosaur who could travel in time (how else could he get to the present to save the day??).  However, the one that caught my attention was Mia the Monkey.  She is a monkey handcuffed between two trees, but her power is "Finding happiness in dark times". Now, I may be reading too much into this, but I can't help but think she is Mia (one of her nicknames) and the two trees handcuffing her are her lame parents.  Luckily, she's able to use her powers to remain happy despite our dark ways.

Monday, May 8, 2017

1 out of 4 Ain't Bad

1 family, 4 sore throats, 4 strep tests, 1 positive... I guess that's a silver lining?

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Some of us know how to have a lazy Sunday....and some of us know how to take that to the next level....Sophie might be the Yoda of lazy Sundays...

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Gray is the New White

Thanks to a meeting between Everett's tooth and a friend's head, my man now looks a shade tougher...and that shade is a gray front tooth...

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Ummm, Thanks?

This came in the mail today addressed to us.  I know I've gained a few pounds, but I didn't think it was enough for the folks at Similac to assume I was pregnant! And no, in case you're wondering, nobody else in this house is either...Teddy is more baby than we can handle.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Oldest Trick in the Book

It has been proven to me that all things, including toddlers, cats, and now dogs innately know the key to avoid going somewhere you don't want to go is to drop and go dead weight. In this case, it was getting Teddy to go to his crate...