Friday, January 11, 2019


I looked back at the first time I posted on this blog.  It was January 6th, 2009.  Here we sit almost exactly 10 years later.  It's hard to believe I've been posting on here for a quarter of my life.  It's had its period of strong posts and weak posts (generally coinciding with the demands of my actual career).  It's had happy posts, funny posts, and occasionally sad posts.  I've had times where I thought about redesigning it, adding various forms of content, and trying to generate readership.  I've had far more times where I've thought about stopping the posts altogether.  Then, Meggan and I will spend a night clicking through posts about toddler Amelia,  sweet little Sophie, and baby Everett.  In those nights, I'm reminded of why we have it in the first place. As I've said on here before, it's not a blog.  It's a 2,500+ page memory book for our family.  It's like the old grandparent who sits around the fireplace telling stories of days gone by...only this grandparent never forgets.  It's been a wonderful 10 years and I hope I'm blessed enough to post for another 10. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't give up on it!... My son just interviewed Jim at Christmas for stories....You have them in Blog form... I don't always comment... but I enjoy reading about your Meggan and the Kids...and the many pet that have visited the house.
