Thursday, March 31, 2011

I eat waaaffffflleee

I must have my bed back. Contrary to the fact that I swore I'd never let Amelia sleep in our bed, she has somehow sweet talked her way there. We did a very good job for a long time, but when she started getting sick regularly, the rules started to relax. The final straw was the night we had her in Urgent Care with trouble breathing and were told not to leave her alone. Since those few days where sleeping with us was a necessity, I'm not sure we have had two consecutive nights without her making an appearence at some point. Now, I'll be the first to admit, there probably isn't a more peaceful feeling for me than having her snuggle up to me and fall asleep. That said, why would I complain about having her next to me? Well, because for every night she sleeps like that, there is a night where she kicks me in the face, a night where she ends up at the foot of the bed with Sophie, and a night she lays on the blankets like a paperweight while I freeze on the edge of the bed. However, the last week or so, she has started a new habit that makes any of those sleeping habits seem pleasant. She did it to Meggan while I was away at the beach last weekend and she did it to me this morning. What does she do, you ask? Let me tell you...She leans over your sleeping face and says "I eat waffles" until you wake up. This may not sound so bad, but trust me, when you are sleeping and you hear a little voice whispering "I eat waffles"..."I eeaat waaafffleees"..."I eeeaat waaafffless" it gets creepy.

1 comment:

  1. I am getting a mental picture of this and I have to tell you that I just can't stop giggling. I even read the end to my coworker who is now sitting at their desk mumbling: "I eeaat waafffleeess." What a fabulous start to a Friday. :)
