Friday, October 5, 2012


I think I can officially say Amelia scares me some nights. I'm not scared she's one of those creepy little girls from horror films or anything. It's more that I'm worried she is so strong minded that we won't be able to control her later in life. Last night, to continue our bedtime woes, she decided to pee into her bathwater. Then, later in the evening, she somehow found enough pee to wet her bed...while she was wide awake and yelling for us to come upstairs. Somehow, we let her live another day so we had to deal with her again tonight. Now tonight, she didn't wet the bed, which was nice. However, she did put up a pretty severe battle. That said, the belligerence and fighting isn't why I'm scared. I'm scared because of her ability to switch from the fighter to her sweet, innocent side...and I honestly can't tell which one is more truthful. Last night, when saying her prayers, she asked Jesus if he could "please, please, please help her not tee tee on the floor again". And tonight, after I took some of her money away as punishment, she screamed and cried out "don't take my money, I'm saving that for Ev's birthday". Do you have any idea how confused you feel as a parent when your emotions switch from wanting to choke your daughter to wanting to hug her...all while wondering if she is being bad to manipulate you for attention or if she is being extra sweet to manipulate you out of punishment? I do.

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