Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Losing Battle

I guess I always knew this day was coming. I guess I'm proud. I also guess I'm a little scared. It is four year-old is smarter than I least at emotional manipulation. In the last few days, she has come up with the following...

Me: How many skittles have you eaten?
Amelia: five
Me: I know how many were in there and I'm going to count how many are left. You're only supposed to have half the pack.
Amelia: six
Me: Let me see
Amelia: I ate all of them.
Me: Well, that really disappoints me. I'm upset that you disobeyed, but I'm really angry that you lied.
Amelia: You're not happy with me?
Me: No, I'm not happy.
Amelia: If you liked being angry, you'd be happy.
Me: (silence)


Amelia: ( saying her prayers in silly baby talk)
Me: Dear Jesus, please forgive Amelia for being disrespectful during her prayers. Please help her understand it is mportant to be serious with our prayers.....
Amelia: Daddy, I have more prayers.
Me: (prideful about teaching her) okay, baby.
Amelia: Dear Jesus, please tell my daddy that all my prayers are good prayers because you love me no matter what...Even when I'm bad.
Me: Dear Jesus, thanks for helping me understand.


Amelia: (crying for sympothy from me at dinner because her mom said she couldn't have dessert unless she eats her food)
Meggan: Randall, while you're up, can you get some napkins please?
Amelia: Daddy, can you please get me a napkin to wipe up all these sad tears?

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