Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Amelia--1 month

Amelia had her one month checkup today with Dr. Gessner. The little girl is doing so well. She weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces and was a bit put out by having to be weighed naked out in the hall. What girl enjoys being weighed, much less without her Elmo panties on?

Mia had also grown an inch and is now 21 inches. The final stat is that her head circumference is 15 inches. In case you don't know, that is in the 70th percentile. In case you are a dummy like me and don't know what that means. (I asked the doctor if that meant that 70% of babies have that size head to which she responded with a "how dumb are you?" look.) That means that 69% of baby girls have a smaller head than Mia! When they handed down that news, she looked at me a little embarrassed. We had a quick talk about that meaning that she has so much brain, she needed more room. Meanwhile, I was thinking that head was more evidence that women deserve that trophy after labor.

So much has happened over the last month. The first couple of weeks were so hard with us getting used to her and vice versa. We also had to let go of our old lives and learn to live around someone else while living on little sleep. Those weeks were filled with fear and uncertainty as we navigated our new routine with no roadmap. "Everyone" was right about two things, and the first was that all the books in the world are no help. Neither of us could remember one thing, and none of those books were there to feed and quiet a baby at 3 a.m.

Over the last several weeks, things have changed from being full of frustration to being full of joy and anticipation for each new day. This proves "everyone" right again when they said that things would get better around 3 weeks. Now, I can't wait for her to wake up every day to see what she will do. When she smiles or falls asleep on my chest or even lets out one of her infamous wails, I'm just enamored with her. So, with that, my Mia is awake and I'm going to see if I can get one of those priceless smiles from her!

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