Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today, a baby....tomorrow, a lady

I am amazed by the changes I see in Amelia day by day. Each time I see her I see more features unique to her and less standard-issue baby. These physical changes are wonderful and its easy to start to see the blend of her parents... she has my chin; she has Meggan's nose; like me, she's grumpy when she is tired; like Meggan, she farts all the time (I'm just kidding - about Meggan. I'm dead serious about the baby. As I've said before, she farts like a trucker after two chili-dogs). While these physical changes make for very exciting times, I cannot wait for her personality to begin to take shape.

I am so eager to see what kind of baby, child, and ultimately woman she becomes. Will she be like me? I am fairly extroverted, but a borderline recluse. I love people. I take great pleasure in talking to people and hearing what they have to say. However, I prefer to be in my own house more than any normal human should. Will she be like her mother who is a little more introverted, but likes to travel and see new things? (Let's just hope she doesn't split the difference and become one of those ladies with 25 cats, no friends, and leaves the house so rarely that neighborhood kids swear she's a ghost.) Will she love sports like I do? Will she be able to play the piano like Meggan? Will she love the Florida Gators? Will I have to disown her for not loving the Gators?

I look at her and my head swirls with all the possibilities. I'm am so grateful to be her dad and to have a front row seat to watch her become whatever God has planned for her. As a father, all I hope is to be fortunate enough to be able to provide her with any opportunity she wants and yet still be wise enough to stay out of her way.

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