Friday, March 6, 2009

Things I never knew I loved

Even though I am only a few days into fatherhood, I have already come across a handful of things that exist that I never knew I loved...some I never knew existed, others I just never knew how awesome their existence was.

1) Boppy Pillow - most men probably have never heard of this. Let me tell you, it is great. While this multifaceted pillow can be used as a temporary stand alone bed for your baby, its greatest purpose is to aid you in holding the baby without cramping. For all you tough guys, believe me, holding 8 lbs for an hour is harder than you think.
note: Boppy is rendered much less effective for those of us who have developed a spare tire - or "Nature's Boppy"

2)Baby Burps - There is nothing inherent that I love about the actual baby burp. What I love stems from its implicit value. Meggan and I learned the hard way that not burping means a BAD night. Apparently, you get lots of gas when you suck down milk from a bottle. If this gas does not escape via burp, or other means, it will cause severe pain. If this pain comes and the only word in your vocabulary is WWWAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! You will say that word loudly and often. So, since the sound of a little baby burp means I won't have to endure the sounds of baby yelling, it has become music to my ears.

3)The relationship between Sophie and Amelia. One of my major concerns before Amelia was born was that Sophie would not react well to her. Let's face it, Sophie has always been the baby and frankly, she hates kids, little people, garden gnomes, and basically anything roughly her size. I thought there was a better than average chance that she was going to try to recreate the Piggy Massacre of 2007 in which I returned home only to find her best stuffed friend's insides all over the apartment. Sophie's reaction has been such the opposite that I almost feel bad for doubting her. Since the second we brought Mia home, Sophie has been absolutely enamored with her. She is perpetually within 5 feet of her, cries if she is locked out of the room Amelia is in, and even goes to the Pack and Play to inspect if Amelia wakes up and we don't notice. I guess she has motherly instincts that she is finally getting to put to use. For any of you wondering, Kitty does not share this beloved quality. The only reaction she has had is that she seemed slightly upset when she found out the crib and swing we not her new beds, but actually belonged to the baby instead.

4)Sleep - I always knew I had a slight affinity for sleep, call it puppy love or a high school crush. That said, now that I have a diaper wearing alarm clock that wakes me up every 2-3 hours, I've realized its more than a crush. It's real love. I have now officially moved sleep ahead of Mexican food on my list...and I eat Mexican like Jared eats Subway. I think it's one of those 'you always want what you can't have' type of things. But, what do I know? It's probably just the lack of sleep talking.

5)Blogging with Meggan - We started this blog so that we could tell silly stories and give friends and family who can't be around a glimpse into Mia's life. Somewhat to my surprise, it has really been fun and we have enjoyed the feedback. However, until tonight, we have never blogged together. Now, the blog we started tonight won't get posted for a few days because one half of the duo got too tired. I don't want to name names, but she is the half who is not writing this post. The little part we were able to do together was more fun than anything I've written by myself. I've always thought Meggan was hilarious and I find it extemely inspiring to see how her mind works. I am looking forward to finishing that post and potentially many more. I hope you all enjoy it.

6)The Look - I always knew it would be special when I first saw my baby look at me. I just didn't realize how miraculously overwhelming it was going to be. I'd run through tons of scenarios in my head during the pregnancy to prepare my emotions. I'd often wondered if the birth would be something I found utterly gross or something I found heavenly. I, by the way, found out those two things are not mutually exclusive. I'd thought I had wrapped my head around what it would be like to see Amelia and to know she was mine forever. I wasn't even close. The truth is there is no preparation for the first time your daughter looks you in the eyes. I know scientifically babies can't see well and she probably isn't staring at me thanking her lucky stars I'm her dad. But, to me, its not a matter of whether or not she can truly see me. What I know from looking at her is that she could feel me. She could feel comfort in me. She could feel love pouring out of me. And, she could feel at home in my arms. That's quite a bit for a little stare to say, but I could hear it loud and clear.

Well, there is my short list of things I have a new appreciation for. I'm sure I can think of a hundred more. However, lack of item #4 on the list has just about rid me of all concious thought. So, for now, this list will have to do.

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