Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fun with Crayons

Tonight, Mia decided it was a pretty good idea to go ahead and start coloring on the hardwood floors. I'm not sure if she got bored with her coloring book or just thought perhaps they needed a little pizazz. Also tonight, Sophie ate several crayons, leaving only wrappers on the floor and skittle-colored turds in the backyard. I am certain neither of these met with my approval. What I can't figure out, though, is who I am more upset with. Is it Amelia for coloring my floor like subway graffiti? Is it Sophie for tasting the rainbow? Or is it me for somehow not stopping both of those things before they happened? Hmm, probably the last one. But, just in case, I think I'll put all of us in the time out chair for a while.



  2. That is excellent! Amelia will surely live up to the examples of those who came before her
