Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Since I started posting pictures of Naybe, I have received several emails and messages with links to all the cool and funny things people are doing with their elves. I've checked out a few of the links and am pretty impressed by how creative people can be. That said, we are probably still a year or so out from doing most of the ideas. At this point, Amelia isn't old enough to understand the wit behind putting a tiny coat and scarf on Naybe and hiding him in the freezer. She is just ecstatic when she finds him each morning. In order for that to happen, he has to be fairly out in the open or else she just says "he's still with Santa". Also, if Naybe isn't hidden up high, the next photo on the blog would be a vicious crime scene with arms, legs, and missing heads strewn about at the hands of a murderous Sophie. So, please keep sending me any ideas you come across for Elves, Tooth Fairies, Easter Bunnies, etc. You may not see them in the next week or so, but I am stockpiling them so I can blow .... Amelia's .... mind ... when she is old enough to appreciate the effort.

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