Tuesday, March 12, 2013


People keep asking me if it is nice to get a break from having 2 kids in the house. So far on the 3 nights we've had our "break" from Amelia, we've worked late, wrestled a dishwasher, and gone to bed early. While it is nice not needing to choke out Amelia at bedtime, it really isn't all that different since Everett ties us down far more than she does. It isn't as if I can have him take a cab home from school and make himself dinner while Meg and I go out on the town. Also, as sick as I get of Doc McStuffins and Jake and the Neverland Pirates, having the TV to myself isn't nearly as much fun as dancing around the living room with Amelia. So, to me, this trip to the farm is much more about letting Amelia see and do new things (catching a fish, driving a boat, planting vegetables, etc.) than it is about us getting a break. Now, next year when both kids are old enough to go visit Grandma and Grandpa... lookout, because THAT will be a break.

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