Monday, June 3, 2013

Not Getting Into It

As a dad, there are just some things you are not ready and willing to get into with your kids. Amelia seems to be walking into more and more of these territories these days. Yesterday, she stumbled into the "marriage" arena and more importantly, the "why you can't marry your own family arena"....

Amelia: When I grow up, Ev and I are going to get married.
Me: Uhhh, no, you're not.
Amelia: Why?
Me: Well, because you can't marry your brother.
Amelia: Why not? I love him.
Me: Because it's not just about that.
Amelia: He looks like he'll be a good dad.
Me: I'm sure he will be...but, not to your kids. You can't marry your brother...or me.
Amelia: Then who can I marry???
Me: Nobody for like 20 years. So, stop asking.

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